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So, I'M SO THANKFUL TO ALL THE NEW PROTEIN POWDERS! It really does mean a lot :) BUT I have an issue. Youtube only allows 5000 characters in the description of a video, and there are SO MANY OF YALL (this is caps of excitement and disbelief not anger obviously ;) ) that I am literally running out of space in the description.

Do y'all have any suggestions I can do to take place of it? I was thinking maybe doing a randomizer per video and doing 20 patreons of the day, or anything else, I'm open to ideas! 

Or if y'all had any other ideas to take place of the names in description instead, let me know :)

I'm open to new ideas and want to make sure everyone is happy, so I'll take a couple of suggestions and make a poll on here to decide what to do :)

Thank y'all so much for the support! Stay safe swole bodies/protein powders ;)



I've seen some other channels do a roll of credits at the end of their videos showing all their patrons. They usually have it pop up while they're doing an outro or final discussion


I'm good with my name being left out I'd prefer it tbh


I asked before if you could leave me out of it but I think you forgot since my name is still on it lol. I don't need annything extra like beeing named or added to a list.

Rhondel Wilson

I dont think there is a single patron who cares about their name showing up to be honest so whatever solution is the easiest for you, go for it.. I could care less if my name is left out or if it shows up.


I dont really mind if my name is on there or not tbh. But like others have said you could do like a scrolling thing at the end of the vid


everyone in the comments are kings


WE HAVE SPOKEN. Lmao but for real though like everyone has said we really dont mind our names not being shown for pledging. That being said end roll credits with names I have seen along with a handful of reactors who give thanks to the different teirs they have with a slideshow of each tier and its pledgers. 😁 just rejoined again and missed being Dio protien powder


I agree with what isaiah and I V said. doing a credit roll type thing with the names at the end of the vid like iShinobi would probably be best. plus wed get to see our names IN the vid and not just in the description


Let’s get it!!!


Sounds like a roll credit over the outro is the wave :D