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REANIMATED ASUMA VS TEAM 10! Naruto Shippuden REACTION: Episodes 273, 274

REANIMATED ASUMA VS TEAM 10! Naruto Shippuden REACTION: Episodes 273, 274



322 is almost here, can't wait


Im pretty sure it was stated but you are right. Reanimations are not as strong as when they were a live but they have unlimited chakra. I could be wrong.


last migraine i had left me in bed for a week. waking up for short periods of time to just eat and other basics. then back to sleep. migraines can be a bitch.


Sort of. They seem that they arent as strong because their heart and soul isnt in the fight. Power scaling wise they are more powerful since thier power is the same level from the person doing the jutsu. So if a shinobi is weaker than Kabuto than they are stronger. If they are stronger than kabuto than they would be weaker.


But there shinobi on the field who are legues above kabuto in all aspects. I have to look into it again to know exactly how it affects them.


From what I remember it's not clearly explained in the actual manga/show, but either the data books or fandom head-canon states edo-tensei are brought back somewhat weaker than the state/strength of their death, but with infinite chakra. At least that's what I always hear. But there's also a lot of lee-way with with the skill of the user, i.e. Kabuto is a much more advanced user at this point than Orochi was so the abilities of his edos and his control should be higher.