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So, google drive is not working for a bunch of people, so that has to be scrapped. Does anyone else know of any other ideas for file sharing? 


Tim Lawrence

Pornhub lol jk vimeo is pretty good


Just flex your biceps and use an overhead projector.


Vimeo is just like YouTube tho he will get his account banned for copyright


Or you can project onto Lil Chinq’s bicep, either way is fine with me 🤷🏻‍♂️😏


Dailymotion maybe

Rhondel Wilson

But there is another reactor i follow on Patreon and he uses vimeo. Right now he is at the pain arc so its been quite a while now.


Drive works fine just handbreak your videos and you should be all good :) or stick to yt but ether way handbreaking videos will cut your upload time a lot


yes thats normally the problem for un playable videos im fine with whatever since i download them anyway but to people who cant thats a good fix


Vimeo works fine as well i believe most of the Reactors i watch use it


yeah Ishinobi uses vimeo and he doesnt seem to have issues, but then again he also watches in dub so he has less of a chance of it being copyrighted.


vimeo is also the thing i have seen most other reactors use. but i believe the idea is that he can just upload the reaction without worrying about copyright? which might still happen on vimeo. i have no idea.


Dropbox might be something you'll want to look into, I've seen people use it before