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oh man

Emil Feddersen

LET'S GOOOOOOOO (fuck walder frey)


My guy u dropped at 1am…but I’ll watch it😂

Anne BBQ

this episode made me realize that no one is safe


To an extent yes but this was different. Ned’s didn’t completely come out of no where. This killed off 3 main characters in a completely surprise death

Darren Stewart

The song that played as the doors shut is called the Rains of Castamere. It was written for Tywin after he destroyed another house called Reyne. Notice how Roose mentioned the lannisters at the end. Tywin literally had them play his villian theme song to flex on them

Darren Stewart

and Catelyn recognized the song immediately. Thats why she looked distraught and quickly put it together

Max Del

Where’s the shirt from it’s actually hard

Zay C.

Bro im so frustrated

Marco St

LMAO Heisuten thinks Daario resembles Jaqen. You'll be happy to know that it's a popular (kinda funny, not very serious) theory that Dario is actually Jaqen in "disguise".

Bee Bee

daenerys wants to be joyboy so bad