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Hi everyone sorry I haven't been posting! I'm very sorry but I well not be able to fulfil this month's NSFW request.  I've gotten ill and had to go to the hospital since my anxiety has been hard and I haven't been able to eat or drink water. I have a doujin deadline next month so for February I well hopefully be able to post doujin page updates! I have also started mailing out keychains to people who have ordered so hopefully they well be arriving soon 

I also wanted to address this qrt and a few like it I have gotten from past subscribers

      Please understand that my nsfw work is nsfw/porn, characters will be sexualised because they're having sex. Also I want to say that I never mean to fetishise Kenma in anyway and I wasn't aware that it was being seen that way or if it was something that I was doing so im sorry.  From now on if anyone have any issues or concerns with my art my dms is always open on here you are free to message me I'm open to talking to people about my art if it upsets you. as long as they aren't harassing or hostile.


I'm gay



feel better!!! 💞💞💞


Just wanna say, you don’t come off as fetishizing in any way I promise. Some people are just assholes about harmless art, don’t let em get to you!

Mara Villa

Mookie, take all the time you need. If you need to rest, it's okay. There are a lot of people who support and appreciate your art and I'm one of them. Take care!

ken - theo - sho

i'm actually getting sad that people are starting to openly attack you for some reason now. your art has always been such a big comfort for me and seeing this breaks my heart, youve been my comfort artist for a long time and that will not change. its just so sad. but get better mookie we all support you, people honestly just don't have a life and can't even form good arguments but just keep accusing you without reasoning. stay safe!


Mookie please take your time to recover, your health is the most important thing! We love you and support you no matter what!


ive been following your art for about a year now and ive never seen anything wrong with your art in terms of fetishizing. people like to create problems out of nothing for no reason and im sorry they had to involve you in it. take all the time you need :))))


You've done nothing wrong Mookie. We love you!! ❤


oh I have drawn sexy kenma before! but ive admitted it and never hid that I did it


Make sure to take time to get better! I can't believe that people still think its ok to harrass and attack people for what they draw, read, watch, or like on social media :( Remember all the people that support + love you in recovery! <3


No worries Mookie, we absolutely understand and I sincerely hope you get better soon, your health comes first and we'll still be here to support you! I'm excited to see doujin sneak peeks :)


im so sorry this is happening, you deserve none of this. i hope you are able to get lots of rest and feel better soon. we love you! you are not a fetishizer, you are an artist and you can draw and portray characters however you want to and there is nothing wrong with that. they just want clout and will say whatever they can to get it. <3 <3 <3 <3


Take all the time you need to rest and be good to yourself. Your work has always brought a smile to my face even in dark times which I'm very grateful for. There will always be people trying to spread hate, but you and your art have brought people together in joy for so many years. That's no small thing and I hope you can be proud of yourself for that ❤


Please take care of yourself! I've never seen your work as feteshizing, have they even seen work that does that? Nothing like. Idk why theyre uncomfortable with mlm, as in a man loving man? Uuhh. Weird. I hope you feel better and lighter soon and well keep supporting you!


And uncomfortable with nblm?! People depict kenma like that constantly. As someone nb its not feteshizing at all tf


Hope you feel better mookie 🥰💖 take care 💕

Oh Lila

I know it's not easy to ignore mean comments, especially when you have an anxiety disorder, but nontheless, if it can help, i'd like to say that what those people say doesn't define you as a person. Maybe I'm stating the obvious, but there will always be people who won't like what you do for x or y reason, and will try to make it legit by saying their discomfort is political so they put the blame on you instead of just taking care of themselves like the grown up people they're supposed to be. To me, you don't have to try to please them. Trying to do that is a Sisyphus task: impossible to achieve. They want control in their lives because they feel powerless (honestly, who doesn't by this trying times), and making famous artists do what they want seem to be a good way for them to feel better and in control. Anyway, that's how I see it. I totally put the blame on them for acting like spoiled kids, not on you for drawing just what you like. If it can help you feel better, I never thought "oh those Mookie's drawings make me want to fuck a teenager / a child." Because I'm not interested in children that way (thank god), and as much as I love what you do and I admire you as an artist, well, I'm sorry, but you don't have that much power over me to make me do things I don't want to. Seriously, drawing (and writing) isn’t brainwashing. I'd like to add that you're a part-time porn artist, and that porn isn't about sexually educating people. It's about arousing people. It's about fun. It's about exploring what we like and don't like. And if you see something you don't like, you scroll past it, you don't harass artists because you felt "uncomfortable". I’m uncomfortable when I see watersports or noncon but I don’t ask people to adapt to my tastes, I simply work with the hashtags to create my own safe space on internet, as anyone should.

Morover, you can't ask artists to make up for the lack of sexual education in your country. Sexual education is important, but we, as artists, never signed up for that. We're not teachers. And asking us to take this responsibility is simply unfair. Maybe I'm rambling, but I must admit I am a bit angry because your art brings me joy. Simple and pure glee. I'm someone with a lot of problems (anxiety, depression and stuff), and I cope with it by looking at fanarts and reading fanfictions. It's been my safe space for a long time now, and I'm just angry at those wannabe bigots who think they're making the world a better place by harassing artists and writers. They don't. Not only they aren't even protecting real children from harm, but they make people who didn’t do any harm to anyone miserable. I wish they used their energy to volunteer in associations that help real children, if that's really important to them. I wish they simply accept that the whole internet doesn't have to be a place where everyone have to adapt to them. I hope that long post wasn't annoying to you. If it could help you a bit, or any of your followers, then I'm happy. I wish you all the best, and I hope everything will get better soon for you. Take care and please please, don't blame yourself too much. You have no idea how much people you help with your art.

Kamil P

Hey Mookie, i just hope you feel better soon. As a person who has crippling anxiety, i can only imagine how awful this situation mustve been on you and i feared that it would affect you deeply. Breaks my heart to know you even had to go to the hospital for it. Those dumbasses throwing out such accusations are the real sickos, not you. You are a great artist whos mind is just pushing rigid boundaries, exploring concepts, not fetishizing and i just want to say theres people who will stay by you regardless. We love you 🥰💕 come back strong


we are all here to support you no matter what!!!! dont over work ur self i’m so sorry ur going through this!!!!


Mookie it breaks my heart to hear this truly tears it into pieces, I hope you feel better soon, please take lots of time to rest up. you didnt do anything wrong... the way you draw kenma and all the haikyuu boys is your own way your own vision and itd break my heart for that to be altered because a few people on twitter told you this or that was fetishizing [its not!] people only want to harass and bully when they dont like something when they should simply move on. I respect you a lot so I wanted this message to be the best I could write [thats why I deleted the other one in a panic] but its hard to get out my words properly... I just hope that you rest and come back even stronger... i beg you to not listen to all of what people who only want your downfall have to say so many people love your art!! love your vision! it shouldnt change unless you want it to. We love you!


take care of yourself ❤️ hoping things for you will take a turn for the better


Please take as much time as you need! Get yourself in a better place physically and mentally before worrying about us. Your art brings joy to so many and you have support here, even if this platform isn't a place you feel safe at anymore. Do what's best for you, we will all understand!


i'm wishing you good health soon, mookie 💖 get some good rest and do what you gotta do!


my own thoughts... but i have a hard time seeing how you're a fetishist... how is your portrayal of kenma (your fav) different from other's portray their favs? drawing them sexily, or in cute/embarrassing, sometimes dark/demeaning situations; lots of people do this with LOTS of characters and i think it's common that if a character is your fav, they're going to be the subject of a lot of headcanons and exploring. i guess i'm struggling to see how YOU'RE a fetishizer for how you draw kenma, but someone else who does the same for kuroo, or bokuto, or oikawa, or hinata, ISN'T 😕. it's always about kenma and it's always about you (big artist who draws lots of kenma). sigh, sending lots of love your way, mookie. i really, really hope you feel better soon.


please please take care of yourself!!! i think you said it yourself: the problem always lies with kenma, not akaashi or bokuto or kuroo. i think it's obvious where that "uncomfiness" comes from, and if it makes people "uncomfortable" then they have every right to look away. it's not your job at all to please everyone or change what you create to do so. i'm just sorry that people like that think that they can force artists through harassment into not drawing anything Sexy ever. (and yeah, i don't understand how it's "fetishizing." it's sexy, yes. porn in and of itself is meant to be sexy, not realistic. it's ridiculous i think to call your work "fetishization." it's clear manipulation to scare you into making that subset of people happy.)


Mookie, I hope you are able to feel better soon and I’m sorry that you are struggling and being harassed by these jerks. I’ve been following you for years and one of the reasons you are my favorite fanartist is you have made the characters extremely complex and human and have given them both depth and a wide range of situations and emotions even within your nsfw content. That is the opposite of fetishizing.


I'm hoping for your speedy recovery! When I say this it's so you can get out of the hospital to rest in the comfort of your home. Take as much time as you need, we can wait patiently for you. Also, you don't come off as fetishizing Kenma. You explore his character in nsfw scenarios, and usually that includes a whole spectrum of things that can make someone uncomfortable (it's normal when you explore that section of your own identity, you're bound to learn what you're into and what you're not). It's really complex. I think it's more of a THEM problem they need to sort out on their feed if they really don't like it. And they can do so quietly, it's really not a big deal if something isn't your taste. It really shouldn't even be as big of a problem as they made it out to be, and those of us who are mature can see past them and continue to support you. Even with different tastes.


Really though, some of the things you've drawn BokuAkaKuroKen in were not initially my taste, or even crossed my mind when it comes to character exploration, but I'm glad I got to see it to decide these preferences for myself. The things you posted are pretty tame while being nsfw and it's created a safe place to explore these complexities.


Mookie, I'm so so sorry the stress and anxiety you're going through and I hope you take it easy and take as long of a break as you need. I'm going to speak against the fetishization, because nothing you've ever drawn has ever felt fetish. As a nonbinary person who also headcanons Kenma as trans, I was SO excited to see you draw vag!kenma and it made me want to create more trans kenma fic, which I've been putting off for a while. You are inspiring and so fucking talented. I only got into Haikyuu at the beginning of quarantine and you were one of the first artist I found. I scrolled through your entire twt and tumblr and you just made me fall in love with krkn and bokuakakuroken so much. Thank you for all of your hard work and your art. My one wish is that this did not make you lose joy in HQ and whatever it means to you personally. Please take care <3


Hey, Mookie. I’m sorry all of this has been so hard on you. I don’t know this persons identity so I don’t know their gender or name, but I can say from MY OWN personal experience as a trans man, people saying you fetishizing Kenma because “of the way you draw him” comes off extremely transphobic. You draw Kenma in a way I see myself in, drawing the clothes and body type and etc, and there is nothing wrong with that. Who gives a shit if you draw a character sexy. Everyone has their own headcanons, and if they don’t see him as sexy that’s fine! But to police how others view characters, and call it fetishizing is really fucked up on their part. Keep it up Mookie, you have done nothing wrong and these people need to watch their mouths and understand when they say stuff like that it comes off as transphobic.


i’m sorry you’re going through this, mookie. this is once again a case of people using extremely strong meaning words to describe something they just don’t like. fetishizer... i’m not even sure what it means and english is my first language lol... i think i’m just too old at this point to keep up with the grumpy slang 😩 anyways drawing fictional characters you like having sex isn’t fetishizing... drawing queer fanart isn’t fetishizing...! it’s almost like all these antis are saying, “um actually acknowledging queer people exist and have sex is fetishizing.” which... uh... what? ??? this is just policing people’s self expression through fanart for no reason. it’s truly not that deep and is the opposite of helpful. to me it just seems detrimental to people’s exploration of their own sexuality (which can be both the artist themself and whoever is consuming the art) through queer fandom art!! it makes me so mad!!! i’m sorry the western part of fandom is going through a vitriolic anti-sex renaissance under the guise of trying to be The Most woke and you got caught up in it. hope you’re able to have some peace for a while and feel better soon. 💗


People are rude as shit need to fucking chill! Fanart is FANART for a reason and all you have to do if you don’t like it is DON’T FUCKING LOOK. How do they think attacking you will do any good? That you will change YOUR art to suit their desires? Mookie, take all the time you need to heal but remember that the majority of us are behind you. The Internet can be a difficult place to be vulnerable but please try to not let a couple of assholes get to you too much.


the person who did this to you is genuinely an emotional abuser. full stop. also, as a feminine trans man who is mlm, your kenma art has always made me feel good, because he has a body type and presentation like me. most of these call outs are from non-mlm/nblm anyway. 9/10 they're wlw speaking over mlm about our own issues. it's a bizarre trend. but then again antis do this to csa/incest survivors, too. these people truly clamp their hands over the mouths of who they're "supporting" and speak over them. plus, idk how to tell antis but the existence of queer sex in art/fic is not fetishization. i'm so tired of this conservative movement disguised as progressive. they all have a deep hatred of gnc queer men, sexual queer people, and csa/incest survivors exploring their trauma in fiction because these people are bootlickers who need to be seen as the "good" ones to the cishet norms. bootlickers who ironically play radical and the reason for this compartmentalization is that these are very clearly teenagers who feel bullied/abused irl so they bully people only to feel better about themselves. they don't have the maturity or intelligence to realize otherwise. in a few years, as they grow up, they will come to look back on these moments with guilt and embarrassment. it's a cycle. it's not about you, it's about them.


if i seems like i'm overly passionate about this it's because 1) i've also been bullied into going to the hospital for my mental health 2) i'm tired of every depiction of mlm that makes me feel seen and included as a gnc trans man being called "fetishization," especially by smug non-mlm who don't understand what my life is like at all


Take care and stay healthy 🥺💕 take your time with everything. I love and respect you and everything you post 🙌✨ I wish you all the best!!! 😊😊


I'm so sorry you're going through this. You honestly did nothing wrong, people just love stroking their ego and feeling morally superior despite being the ones that cause real harm.


hi, mookie. please take your time to rest and feel better! we will be waiting here to welcome you back when you feel comfortable to post whatever you want again! we are thankful for the art you share with us! 🤍 as for the people who are spreading hate and creating misconceptions about your art online, i hope that they will realise that if they don't like your content, they should just shut up and move on, rather than making it worse for you as a creator, and others who also love to appreciate your work.


Take all the time you need and let is know if you you need any help. You have many followers and it's impossible to please everyone. Someone who wants to will always be able to find something problematic or uncomfy no matter what you do. Draw what you want and listen to all the followers who like your art. As for what that commenter said specifically, you can see that others in a similar situation love your art just based on what I've read here. Sending lots of support and hugs. Take care!


i'm so glad someone else feels the transphobia about calling gnc presentation, certain body types, and behaviors on kenma, or any male character, as "fetishization." especially since they usually use wording like "you're making them like a girl." yeahhhh so as a trans man that really does not hit, folks. there is an actual reason though why this rhetoric has an underlying transphobic feel to it: it originated amongst terfs who portray trans men as cishet fujoshis living out a fantasy. like it's straight up documented that this is where this criticism originates from and it scares me that it's becoming mainstream in fandom.


Don't feel bad about not posting, your health is important! I hope you recover quickly though. Your art brings so much joy, I love your nsfw art and I hope eventually you feel comfortable with posting them again. People can be so very hostile online without thinking about the person they're talking about... Feels like some people don't understand that artists etc are people too :( sending u lots of hugs!!


Please don’t feel bad about not posting! Your health is very important so please think about that first! I hope you recover and get better soon, please try not to stress anymore than I’m sure you already are. We love you and your art, please be safe!


please take a break as long as you need. you post here so often, much more than other creators i patronize on this platform. it's been awesome seeing your hard work every week. this is so fucked up. this is a private community (on patreon at least) and for people to be putting you on blast like this for whatever they don't agree with is so unfair to you. i'm sorry you've been so stressed!! i look forward to your nsfw art, it always inspires me to draw, and i guess people who hate yaoi just don't get it. it must be hard for you to allow yourself to take a break, but please know that we really appreciate all your hard work here, thank you for sharing it with us 💕

cait !!!

why is it only fetishising to portray kenma as gay? and why only when you do it? kuroken is one of the most popular hq ships, i don’t understand why it’s an issue when you do it. i think most of these people have weird superiority complexes calling you out for things they deem as “problematic” which just objectively aren’t. your art is fantastic mookie and i know i and many other people will keep supporting you regardless of how often you post/whether or not you post nsfw! my entire home screen/widgets are your art so i already feel like i owe you big time 🥰🥰


bro im so sorry this has happened, i hope you feel better soon, i really do love your art so much


Get well soon mookie 🥺 and happy birthday


Person subscribed to porn: " omg it's sexual and fetishes are shown". Like wtf did you expect dude...

Alexandra Stevka (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 03:44:47 Hi. I dont know if you're gonna say this but first happy ~late~ birthday. I hope you were doing ok that day. You deserve everything!!!. Second please please take care of yourself :( I am deeply sorry for everything that happened to you and im so sad for you too. If you're not comfortable anymore or you need time for you its totally fine. Please put your health first :(. Stay strong and take care. I'll always support you and your art. No matter what. Have a nice day/night!! I'll be waiting for you to comeback whenever you want<3
2021-02-02 03:55:03 Hi. I dont know if you're gonna say this but first happy ~late~ birthday. I hope you were doing ok that day. You deserve everything!!!. Second please please take care of yourself :( I am deeply sorry for everything that happened to you and im so sad for you too. If you're not comfortable anymore or you need time for you its totally fine. Please put your health first :(. Stay strong and take care. I'll always support you and your art. No matter what. Have a nice day/night!! I'll be waiting for you to comeback whenever you want<3

Hi. I dont know if you're gonna say this but first happy ~late~ birthday. I hope you were doing ok that day. You deserve everything!!!. Second please please take care of yourself :( I am deeply sorry for everything that happened to you and im so sad for you too. If you're not comfortable anymore or you need time for you its totally fine. Please put your health first :(. Stay strong and take care. I'll always support you and your art. No matter what. Have a nice day/night!! I'll be waiting for you to comeback whenever you want<3


I hope you feel better soon 💕