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-everything Ive drawn nsfw on my patreon 18+ timeskip characters

- no minors are allowed on my NSFW tair... and DO NOT post art from my patreon

-  my last nsfw post was 19 yr old [his birthday is in oct] kenma and 20 yr old kuroo. Kenma was making a joke cuz there of age and yet still high school/collage student 

- the downfall of kodzuken was not minor kenma it was adult kenma and it wasn't "abuse" It was kenma falling from grace [being a famous youtuber to becoming nothing] as resulting to becoming an AV [adult video] actor/sex worker It is supposed to be dark themed]  I felt that some people might have seen it as too dark but I expected mostly adults where here and would understand dark theme exists and would move past it if they did not like it thats why I didnt use a graphic cover image 

-when I started Patreon I thought I could get back into drawing porn since theres canon adult designs and I have hardly drawn it for years and explore different adult themes since this is under lock and key [like I really enjoy dark theme emotional stories and I also wanted to experiment with drawing vaginas and other stuff ]  but I well have to rethink alot of stuff I'm sorry to everyone

EDIT: Not saying im going to stop drawing NSFW I might rethink the type of content ill post cuz I dont feel safe here anymore

EDIT: Im finding out people who where spreading this about me are still following my patreon 


Glassy Squid

Please don’t give up drawing nsfw.


I will support whatever you decide to do, I'm just so sorry this has happened. I love your art so much, it's been a beam of sunlight through a hellish year. It brings me so much joy. You should be allowed to draw anything and everything you want - you tag things appropriately and for those who do not wish to see it - they can respectfully look away. We love you Mookie 🥺🥺💖💖🌸🌸


It’s really not your thought it even said in the picture about a collage student and they broke your patreon rules, I’m so sorry you had to make a whole song and dance about b/c people can’t read or read a room


if they don’t like it they should just fuck off

Mara Villa

Hi Mookie! Honestly, for me, you have nothing to be sorry about. I get the concept of that art. I love your art, may it be sfw or nsfw. People are welcome to unfollow/mute/block people they don't like but it shouldn't be your problem. You put tags and warnings. If they're old enough to be on the bird app, they should be old enough to understand instructions and warnings. Stay being you. I honestly like dark themed stories 😅 so thank you for your wonderful art! 💛


We appreciate your art and your honesty mookie!!! Thank you for providing us with your content, I’m glad that I can help support you even if I’m just one person :)

I'm gay

But keep up the good work mookie, I'll always support u 🧚‍♂️


I hope you're okay mookie :((( hope you can draw what you like without idiots trying to get clout off of you :(((


Hi hun, I hope you know that this is (and always will be) your safe space where you can share your ideas with all of us. Everyone here has read what’s on the tin when subscribing to your patreon and we love everything you create! Please keep creating and drawing to your heart’s content, whether that may be sfw or nsfw, we love it all!

ken - theo - sho

this is really sad, but it'll end soon they'll lose interest dw. there's still gonna be tons of people out there who support you and understand your art and stuff


I'm paying for the nsfw ride tho like anyone who is here paying to have more adult access is kinda expecting to see just that.


Hi Mookie, just want to say that I love ur works and it’s not your fault at all! Hope you’ll feel better soon. Thank you for ur wonderful works!

ken - theo - sho

and gurl.. you don't gotta pay attention to a komaeda kinnie with barely any pride 😚


They broke rules by sharing in the first place and secondly didnt discern your art properly. If they didnt like it why were they paying for it other than to look for a reason to be cruel. I am so sorry you have to go through this. Everyone should have the freedom to express themselves and express themselves! You were doing so in a perfectly fine way that most people appreciated, and if they didnt they didnt pay for that content and it was simple as that.


You don't need to apologize for anything, this is your platform after all and I like that you express yourself freely here! I hope you continue to do so! I love your art! If someone didn't want to see your nsfw things they don't need to pay for that :')


i’m sorry you’re going through this and having to feel like you have to minimize your content in fear of what people might do. but truthfully you legit haven’t done anything wrong, some people just like to attack every little thing even if there’s no reason to. it’s very clear everything you’ve drawn has been them as adults and you should feel free to explore darker themes, not everything has to be vanilla all the time and your work isn’t problematic at all, a few bullies just took it out of context. but we’ll understand if you don’t feel safe doing that but i hope you reconsider ❤️ and hopefully the trolls leave you alone soon.


This is heartbreaking, I guess the only good side is that you have their money lol


You put a NSFW Tag on everything, then have the NSFW Tier, it's behind a paywall and its age restricted... What are children doing here? I have to say I personally don't like dark themed stuff, but it's what I pay for, willingly. Because I like your art. How can people pay 6$ a month, multiple months just to turn on you then share your work with wrong context and call you names? I am so sad for you and angry at them. You should be safe here to post everything YOU want to post. And you also do polls quite frequently, like you care which content we want to see and often reply to messages and comments. What is their problem?


I'm so sorry you've to go through this and I'm just gonna go on a little rant for the purpose of complaining because this is getting to me. Hqtwt is really an annoying place, and I say that as someone who's been on fandom for 14/15 years. I would never defend sb I don't know irl but the accusations are so baseless and plain dumb made around posts taken out of context. Hqtwt has always had a huge issue w fanon kenma, always critisicing people 'feminising' him and for what, he just looks feminine to them because he's smaller than the 6 foot characters and is prettier than them so you give him long hair and eyelashes ok cool how is that Bad, how does it affect anything lmao, and of course kenma looks smaller and has an average body that's smaller than bokuroaka like ffs. I was also exposed to nsfw content as a teen which was mostly on me because the barriers were there and I just decided to ignore them which is what happened in this case too. We as adults have somewhat of a responsibility to keep the TLs clean but that doesn't mean it should apply to age restricted, private and paid spaces, it's worth shit if minors aren't staying away and it's not on the adult part of fandom if the content reaches them despite the barriers that exist to keep them away from it. We can choose what we consume and what we don't and if we don't like it, we just look away (of course this shit doesn't apply to cp or worse). And it doesn't even have to do with the age of the characters, bringing up the age of consent is dumb and details about their age is just meh to me when it's so clear they're not children or young teens in the art, they're obviously adults. It's just hilarious to me the minute kuroo graduates suddenly kuroken is a toxic manipulative and abusive rs cos one of them is in hs like srsly. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon and just know that while we love and enjoy the nsfw content, we'll still be here whether you continue to post it or not. Your content shouldn't have to be looked at under a microscope to find something to bash you on when it wasn't even true lol but hey fake woke fandom is always gna make a huge deal out of shit for shits and giggles and it sucks. This should be a space for you and your patreons to enjoy and if we ever saw something damaging we would be the firsts to call you on it and sorry for the long rant I'm just so pissed lmao


I think it’s great you were going back to drawing porn type things so you can explore more drawing skills, it sucks that people take things out of context and take it too far.


I’m sorry as an artist you cannot feel free anymore to post the content you enjoy due to others stupidity.😞💖 Especially on a private platform like patron. It was clear they were adults. I would still draw what you love as you done nothing wrong 💕Will support you no matter what you draw 🥰 You would think with the way they responded to the “pedo” claims that this was irl case 😭 I don’t think they know the definition. Maybe they should focus on the real life issues with that in that case instead of attacking innocent artists who have been clear with their work and also draw fictional characters 🙄💖 Is there anyway to report them for stolen art on Twitter 💖 as that thread is absolutely disgusting and clearly non of them have a brain cell😩💕 also a Thankyou providing such lovely inspiring art though out the years 💖 wishing you well mookie ☺️💕 sorry you have to deal with twats 💕


We're all adults here and capable of pressing the back button on the art we don't like, when applicable. You produce a lot of art of all kinds, so it's not as if your followers lack in content.


Part of me says to just say f them and post whatever you want. Cause it’s your patreon and your art. Not the internet’s. Just because some jerk thought it was their civic duty or something to stir a pot with nothing in it doesn’t mean you have to back down. What they did was nasty and it implied sh*t that wasn’t true about you and your work. Report them on Twitter or whatever site they were on for posting your work and try to find who it was and block them from seeing your patreon (if that’s a thing) Anyone who can’t handle your 18+ should unsubscribe and shut up cause the 99% of your subscribers have no issue with it and love you and your work.


I’ve been a fan for a while on Twitter and started to support your Patreon because of this nightmare! They’ve started coming after me too because of my fic, but not to the same extent... but just so you know, I understand and empathize - i had a now deleted tweet floating around about me being on a block list bc of the type of content i create. I just want to say you have nothing to apologize for. You should create the type of content you want to create! You did nothing wrong! 💜


i understand, mookie. it really sucks that you did all you could, but still- a minor created a baseless "callout" and accusations... for nsfw r18 content that they paid for 🙄. it seems to me that on twitter, most people realize that you did everything right, and a minor still jumped through hoops (and for only 1 character...). i wish there was away for you to cull your patreon subscribers... i'm not really sure what would do it, but i'd be willing to participate/provide proof of whatever you'd need (again, not really sure what that would be but, if you thought of something). anyway, i hope you know that you did all you could and you did do everything right. i understand that, to avoid these situations and anxiety surrounding them, you'll want to filter your posting from now on. that makes me a bit sad, but if it makes you more comfortable and feel safer, then i support you 😔❤.


well we will be here to support you no matter what, maybe you should raise the price for the NSFW tier which isn’t ideal for a lot of people but me being on that tier i would take that step for you to feel more comfortable posting

Kamil P

I think the saddest thing was how quickly people jumped on the hate bandwagon. Not fact checking, believing the first source.. people really should focus on real issues instead. But its ofc easier to just attack an artist who didnt even go out of line. I believe as a community here if we were disturbed by certain kind of content we could express our opinion and ask for clearing up in the comments - direct pathway to you, the author, - instead of vague accusations with no proof. Were mature enough to make our own opinions. I would like you to share this message on twt, i think you cleared up the situation well with this post and im sorry you have to deal with this


all i have to say is that you genuinely have nothing to apologize for—full stop. i’m sorry that a bunch of emotionally abusive children who are so rapidly obsessed that they pay to hate follow a nsfw account for fictional characters made you feel otherwise, though i understand your lack of feeling comfortable and safe in continuing to post what you want because their harassment, libel, and suicidebaiting is no joke. sorry, mookie. :(

Kamil P

Holy shit the way people are trying to cancel you for liking Akaashis pre timeskip design instead of post timeskip.. 😬 theyre making defamatory claims now. Twitter is fucked up- do we have to explain everything we like about a DRAWING before posting now


God I dont even know how you find out who follows you thats spreading stuff.. Thats so difficult I'm sorry mookie.


the fact that haikyuu is a fandom where people call out queer and/or trans artists for "fetishization" for drawing male characters as gnc, even if they're literally a gnc mlm themselves, is very like ... season two of tumblr discourse, which really signifies these are a bunch of young people. as adults, we've moved past this years ago and it's hard to see, at least for me, young people trying to suicidebait each other over fictional things that simply won't matter once they mature.


I know that so many others have said it better than I can, but I'll repeat it anyway since it needs to be said. YOU did NOTHING wrong. You are selling a service to an audience who gave consent and money to get your wonderful art. They should not have been here if they were not of age, and they definitely should not have put your art anywhere else. As a paying customer I know I can just move past the art that makes me uncomfortable because you always deliver art that makes me want to keep checking back to see if you've posted anything new. While i sincerely hope you can come to feel this is a safe space for you again, i totally understand if you can't feel that. Please know that you have lots of people who support you even with this whole mess going on.


Please do whatever makes you feel the safest, we will support you no matter what. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Alexandra Stevka

Oh I just bought your patreon because I really enjoy your drawings and this is so embarrassing. You're okay mookie! You shouldn't apologize for anything. I think every person who's commenting rn its because they're +18 if that's not the case they shouldn't be here!!!??!?! 😬 about your dark theme drawings I'm actually into that and im totally fine. Its okay if there's someone who's not comfortable with that. They can just ignore but personally I think this is just bullshit.......that wasn't even anything similar to p*dophilia ?...Anyway. please keep drawing whatever you like I'll always support you


Mookie I am so sorry you have to deal with this. You don't deserve it and no one else does either. Anyone here should be adult enough to understand the content you create or move past it if they dont like it. You are not a pedophile and I will support you in whatever you do. You shouldnt have to apologize for shit that you didnt even do, I'm so sorry.


I'm sorry that this is happening and it's so frustrating to see. This is YOUR platform and you should get to post whatever content you like, even if it's dark themed, even if people don't like it because!! that shouldn't matter! this is the content you like to make and fuck everoyne else! i'm literally like. so mad about this. the fact that they paid for this content to hate!follow you for the clout. The fact that they're a minor with black and white judgment systems and still can't like...... understand nuance? this is such an age old fandom problem where fandom purity makes it's rise bc it makes people seem "better" than other people or more morally sound? UGH anyway i hope you continue (or like! if you don't want to, that's fine too!) i just wish you happiness and joy and fulfillment in whatever you choose to do moving forward. I will always be happy to support you on patreon for the rest of my life JFEKLWJW


Please leave mookie alone some of yall are so annoying


I am so sorry that you have to go through this and that this somehow made this place unsafe for you. Please let us know if there‘s anything we can do to make you feel safe again!

Luna Stellar

I’m sorry people have tainted a place that was a safe space for you and your art. We are all sending love your way and I hope these people on Twitter learn how to stop being ignorant idiots who don’t know how to listen.


In the end it's what you feel safe with sharing. The darker themes you've shared with us here has always been clearly tagged and there was never a doubt any of the characters you've drawn wasn't 18+. It's honestly refreshing to see. It was literally what we all signed up for when we chose to back you here on patreon. You've done nothing wrong. I'm disappointed that there are minors snooping into places they shouldn't be in that have ruined an environment that explicitly says what kind of content you should expect, should you choose to pay to see. They want to pretend they're old and mature and go forth to show us how exactly they aren't. When in this day and internet age there are tags and tools to cater to a feed they can enjoy that minds their age, it's like they want to experience livejournal days when the internet didn't have these things for us to filter what we see, and then cry about what they do see. Like???? I don't get it??? It's literally like when you tell them not to touch a hot stove and they go touch it and cry, like they can go eat a plate of vegetables or something.


Tldr; take my money, everything you've posted here was described and properly tagged, so the only surprise was how well you executed your themes and it is a pleasure to see how you interpret these characters as adults in various dark and clearly 18+ themes. Keep their money too, it's like they're paying you to make them cry fake tears.


Mookie I am so sorry this is happening to you,you don't deserve any of this, people are really just horrible. I hope that you can find who these people who are here are and make it so that you feel safe in your own space again, know that there are lots of people supporting you and sending you love!


i am so devastated to hear this is happening.... drawing and making this kind of content should be fun, not a moral obligation lol. i didn't know about this patreon before now and i subscribed right away.... dark fiction isn't wrong at all and i'm so sorry that anyone would make you think otherwise or otherwise make you want to hide these things. i hope you can still feel safe here at least eventually and i hope you feel comfortable posting what you want, because that's what anyone should be able to do. what's the point if you're not creating what you want to? i am sending you all my support 💖💖 i really don't think you should have to apologize for any of what's happening. i'm so sad and angry that people are like this.


i just joined your patreon because i had no idea you had one, i absolutely love your art!! im so sorry people are assholes and disrespecting your space, you really dont deserve this and did nothing wrong :(

Angela Tschabold

I would be really sad to not see the dark stuff (even when it‘s also not nsfw) along the cute stuff here. They just portray stuff a lot of ppl tend to forget/ignore exists and it‘s nice to talk/read about it. It feels kinda more real and true to the life put there? I‘m just sad that ppl just have to drag that down (almost all the time minors. Like what the hell are they doing here??? I hope Patreon makes and ID certification for age restriction someday) I‘m sad you don‘t feel comfortable to post what you like anymore. I saw to many artists that had that point. Also as an artists myself I know not be able to show what they like to draw just to be anxious about reactions... But just know I enjoyed it and it helped me go work trough a lot of dark thoughts in my brain meanwhile. Whatever you‘ll decide I‘m on your side. Hope you find them all and can bann them from your channel.


I'm sorry you have had to deal with this. There is nothing wrong with the way you draw any of the characters. People are always looking for something to complain about... :( Keep doing what you're doing!


😭 🥺I want to hug you, I’ll support you no matter what, have all my $6 because I love everything you post. But I wish I could give you a hug because you now feel yourself uncomfortable in your own safe space and this was mine too. What you post was in my interest and I love it. But I’m sorry you feel the way you feel and I hope you get all the support you need. You have my support 🥺💞


I understand if you feel like you need to censor your art for a while since people have violated what was supposed to be a safe space for you to share adult work with other mature adults who love the characters you draw. I ,like many other patrons, found your recent darker content and more experimental nsfw post really refreshing. If there is anything we can do to help you feel more safe in this space again please let us know. ❗️Perhaps a third tier that has access to a private discord where you can ID each person that requests to join? Just have each of us block out our personal info except name and d.o.b? Maybe? This is what quite a few +18 discord servers do. ❗️Either way I hope you’ll be able to feel comfortable on here again and we will continue to support you mookie. Lots of love!🌸💕✨

cait !!!

i’m so sorry you have to deal with this mookie, people really will go out of their way to make “drama” out of anything it seems. everything you post is CLEARLY timeskip or otherwise labelled clearly with them being of age. the fact that people pay money to get access to your art, get offended by it for no reason, and then spread it around against your wishes is honestly pathetic. also the fact that minors are the ones doing this is so hypocritical- they’re getting mad at you for supposedly drawing underage nsfw (which is just bullshit to begin with), but they are minors illegally being in an 18+ space. honestly it’s ridiculous. i hope you know that there are far far more people who support you and love everything you post, i hope you can find some way to feel comfortable here again. we love you mookie!! ❤️❤️


I'm so sorry about everything that happened. You don't deserve this, i can't understand why these ppl are so mean for nothing. The paywall exists for something, i can't understand why someone will pay for something just to harass the artist and lie about the content cause it's not something that suits their tastes. Your art is amazing, I made a patreon acc just to support you... so this shit pisses me off. We love you, please take care and do whatever you need to feel comfortable again❤️❤️


as a victim of csa myself i often find myself siding with the other side bc i do agree that children need to be protected but i genuinely feel that this isnt a case? people severely misunderstood you and what you post; and i feel really sad that you do not feel safe to explore themes that truly exist and therefore shoudl be explored. this is already paywalled and age restricted and the fact that people are still so obsessed with watching your move must be disturbing. i hope you continue to make art, but i hope they get better soon bc obsessing over a person they want to see fail and paying for it! is abhorrent. if there is another way or platform to support you, i will be there.


Fuck the haters, keep doing you. And if those same assholes are reading this, go get a damn hobby that doesn't involve tearing people down.


i’m so sorry this happened i’m so sad u don’t feel safe


I don't understand the hate at all. Your art was about characters who were clearly adults. You did no wrong. This person was in the wrong for accusing you of something you didn't do. AND if they're underage they shouldn't even be here. That's on them, not you. I love and enjoy ALL your art. No matter the subject. Whether it's light or dark. I'll always be a fan. AND to the haters who are PAYING just to catch someone slip up is absolutely ridiculous and you need to get a fucking life!


I am very upset with this situation because of how unfair it is, mainly patreon is not accessible to minors and that they are the ones who are involved. I just joined your patreon today but I would like to tell you that you have our full support, and personally your art gives me a lot of comfort. You can with all this! (*´ω`*) 💕

Oh Lila

I'm so sorry to read you don't feel safe here. I was so happy to follow you and see all the beautiful art you're posting. I'm a bit angry at those children who just came in a place where they aren't suppose to, and started crying that you made stuff that they weren't supposed to see. Urgh. I don't know, if we (the persons who love and support you as an artist) can be of any help, please just let us know. Take care.


it’s ridiculous people are doing this to you! you clearly made it an 18+ page and people who view your posts on Patreon are people who are paying for your services. they should just cancel their subscription if they don’t want to see all this.


your posts are all so beautiful and you should have the freedom to draw what you want and post it here. i love your artwork and so do so many people on twitter, instagram and here, on patreon. sending you endless love and support ❤️✨


Hey I just joined because I've been a fan of yours since waaaay back when you were drawing Regular Show fanart lol, and I heard how you were getting harassed by some assholes and wanted to show my support! Fuck them for equating actual abuse to artwork and FUCK THEM for harassing actual people for it. You are awesome and loved!