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Hey guys. I just wanted to let you know I am still working on Delicious Business. I know updates have been severely lacking and I apologize for that. I am going through a break up with my girlfriend and I will be moving to a different state this upcoming May. 

Will I become more active and productive living away from her? Well, I made HMFM Fast Food 1 and 2 prior to living with her which were the most successful of my games, all my other games were made when I was living with her, so take that as you will!

Another thing, I feel like I have been making the same game over and over again, repetitively throughout all my games. I was actually told to do this by some peers as that would be a sure way of success, but honestly it is incredibly boring to make the same thing. You get burnt out quickly. So, I am going to make something new.

With that said, I am wanting to change Delicious Business to something else that would give the game a different experience and a different gameplay loop.

-Top down or sidescroller view
-Keep visual novel character portraits
-Employees move around in the restaurant
-Scheduling system, employees can only work a certain amount of hours
-Pay raise system
-All or most girls are available for hire at the start of the game, but can only hire or work a girl with what you can afford.
-*Maybe* a 30-60-90 day time limit, where the girls are on summer break from school and will only be working there for the summer and you must make sweet memories with them before it ends.

I will also be animating the rest of the scenes for HMFM FF3, and after that, add the final character and dialogue to it. I will be doing content for this game more slowly, for example 80% of my time will go to Delicious Business and 20% will go to HMFM FF3.

After Delicious Business and HMFM FF3, I am wanting to do something else other than fast food business. I have a very gross amount of ideas for games I want to make. I want to make them all, whether I can make them all during my lifetime will depend on if I receive support!

I am also thinking about learning new things:

-Local AI LLM: so you can keyboard chat with the girls in the game like a chat bot, but I am afraid the response times would be too slow because of hardware limitations.
-Voice Acting: Adding voice acting to the girls with AI.
-Music: So that there will be more music tracks.
-Storywriting: So the story and dialogue will be better, if you know of any good storywriting courses, let me know.
-3D: Let me know if you are interested in 3D.

Thank you for your patience and sticking with me! Good things will come.


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