I might salvage Maiden Trainer and turn it into a different game
- Salvage Maiden Trainer and make it into a different game 49
- Keep going with Maiden Trainer 14
Vote below and let me know if you are still interested in Maiden Trainer's development. Otherwise I might salvage it. The reason is because the gameplay isn't really fun I think, and I don't think I can make it more fun than it is without overhauling the entire game.
I would turn Maiden Trainer into one of the following games instead:
1. A hero/army/castle game, think of Game of Thrones or Heroes of Might and Magic 3
2. A pokemon game
3. Like fast food, but instead of fast food it will be martial arts/dojo themed, maybe inspired from Dragon Ball with the use of ki blasts
All games above would be turn based strategy games with dating and contain adult content.