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I haven't played or looked at my games in a long while, so I spent some time playing them to get a feel of what is missing and how much work will be required.

I don't like leaving projects unfinished and I feel that might have added extra pressure onto me before.

I am going to be working and finishing Demon Lord first.

What Demon Lord is missing:

-Sneaking and grabbing the last heaven orb from Amilia's possession
-Going to heaven and enslaving the goddess of light
-Goddess of light standing sprite
-Punishment / sex scenes for the goddess of light
-Taking revenge against Amilia the hero once her powers have been weakened, enslaving her
-Punishment / sex scenes for Amilia
-Heaven background
-Heaven orb pillars
-Hero's village background
-Hero's village map destination
-Using Barghest's sniff ability to find the hero's village, and to find the last heaven orb

Next I will work and finish Maiden Trainer (title might be renamed), this game had some gameplay issues I think. The scheduling system is neat, but most people didn't like the wait time of starting a schedule and not being able to skip it. It wastes your time. In the patreon version, I sped it up I think and now it looks maybe ridiculous. So I might change this somehow.

What Maiden Trainer is missing:

-Fixing the gameplay
-Maybe simplify/revision of the game
-Adding more sex scenes
-Adding different endings depending on what you do with her
-Adding a time limit so when she graduates college (or doesn't graduate) this is when you will receive your ending but you can continue the game if you want

I plan on finishing HMFM FF3, but it is missing some art. I will be commissioning again for this game.

What HMFM FF3 is missing:

-2 Lavinia punishment sex scenes
-1 sexy work scene for Darcy's sister
-2 sex scenes or punishment scenes for Darcy's sister
-1 threesome scene with Darcy and her sister

-Gameplay for Lavinia might need to be changed or added on
-A restaurant to be competed against with Darcy's sister inside
-Darcy's sister needs to become hire-able
-Gameplay for Darcy's sister will be similar to Darcy's
-Wendy needs a restaurant to be competed against


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