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This was web release week for v0.1.93 and I also had to figure out what I was going to do with the game, which I ended up staying on patreon and renaming it to Maiden Trainer. Because of these 2 things this isn't as big of an update.


-Fixed a bug where the buttons don't appear when you enter the doggyfuck scene.


-Replaced the UI with brand new UI art.
-Moved the UI around and bunched up the buttons close together.
-Added a title screen.
-Added an options menu which includes sound/music sliders, fullscreen option, and resolution options. More will be coming to the options menu.
-Added naming your maiden once you start a new game.

Let me know what you think of the new UI art.



Patreon is really bad at notifying me of messages like these. Sorry for the late response. I don't think I ever added any cheats as I dropped this game. But this cheat code system will be in my newest game I am working on.


whats the cheat code