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-Demon Lord- 11/3/2021

I will be continuing Demon Lord!

-HMFM Fast Food 3-

Also an update from my artist who is working on HMFM Fast Food 3, she has been moving to a house so that's why commission speed for that game is taking a lot longer. Sadly, I think 4 more commissions and then I may end the game, mostly because tax has robbed me pretty hard (and still is), and also this patreon isn't making enough to maintain an artist. Hopefully my art is okay by now, I think it is passable and comparable to other patreon creators who first started drawing and making hentai games.


Hopefully everyone is okay with all this. I am not totally throwing out commissions. Once the financials are doing better, then I would like to commission again for a side project and let the commissions slowly build up.

Another thing, any new game that I start, we will be doing a poll to decide which game you guys would like. We will also do a couple of polls to grind out the game even further so I can try and make something everybody will enjoy. :)

Let me know what you guys think.



I like demon lord :(


I do want to finish it, but I am kind of in a weird position where making something feels like it isn't bringing in support. After the next web release, if it doesn't do well, I may put up a poll to see if I should finish the game or not. I would have to bite a bullet and lose a bit of money to finish it.. probably. But you never know, next release could do well since there is more content and my art has improved a bit. There are at least 2 more characters after the fairy princess, the goddess of light and Amilia. I think it would take me 30-50ish days.