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A new character for Fast Food 3 is going to be worked on soon. Currently I am working on a new fast food outfit with my character artist.

Idols wasn't too popular, so I am sort of dropping it. It doesn't make sense to keep working on a sinking boat. But I will at least finish up Sabina's story and the threesome scene.

The story is, I didn't know what to do after Fast Food 2. I had no ideas and no inspirations. I went with a new HMFM theme (kind of at random) thinking everything was going to be okay, but it didn't turn out that way.

Anyway, I feel refreshed from taking a break from the fast food theme of HMFM, and I have lots of ideas for it. Big plans for it. I want to do 30-60+ scenes for it. I want it to be a combination of both HMFM 1 and HMFM 2. I want to add BDSM/humiliation/pregnancy. I am going with revenge for now for the main story (against a few girls), as I don't have any other ideas that are interesting. I know some people don't like revenge, but if you can comment below and give some ideas, I may change it or maybe do a poll. Revenge really is just easy to do. It is easy conflict.

I am also thinking of doing Pure/Corrupt for innocent girls, and doing dominant / submissive for the bad girls. I feel like this makes more sense, but I could always change it later. (Or a kind/mean meter for all girls, instead of giving them pure/dom meters)

I hope nobody is disappointed with this direction in switching to Fast Food 3. I did see the polls of most of you guys favoring Fast Food 2, so hopeful this is a good change. After all the experience I got from my previous games, I feel confident FF3 will be my best game.



I am Happy about this and i hope some cool Things come in hmfm fast food 3 and i wish me that the Pregnancy and the Birth system from hmfm 2 get more Options to like a Family in hmfm Fast Food 3, all in one i look Forward to hmfm 3 and love youre chose


I like the increased story depth of Idols, and I think the pure/corrupt is a great addition. I would like to see color customization as well (hair, body, clothes).


I am still thinking about pure/corrupt, not 100% sure how it will work out. Color customization for hair/body/eyes wouldn't be too much work, and clothes could be easy if it is setup properly (which I will try to get my artist to do)