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I plan on going back to HMFM Fast Food 2's sort of gameplay, but in an Idol's theme. You will have stats and meters, and you will click on buttons to increase/decrease stats and meters.

Here are the reasons why I plan to remove mini games:

-Makes gameplay development more difficult, and more difficult to make it work with other gameplay systems.
-Mini games aren't relaxing and takes more effort than simply button clicking. (Hentai games need to be relaxing.)
-Someone may not play at all because they don't want to play mini games.
-This is my own opinion, but I find button clicking to be more fun than mini games if done right.

The next update will mostly be a gameplay revamp update with the removal of mini games. They might not completely go away as I might put the mini games on the title screen of the game so they wouldn't go to waste.

What do you guys think? Is this a good idea? A more of a HMFM Fast Food 2 gameplay?



Its a Interesting thing If Pregnancys eventualy come back in my Opinion a nice Feature from HMFM Fast Food 2 but i Understand you completly and it is Fine if you Remove the Minigame but i think in the Concert part it is good placed, And i have Checked how i sayed in the Morning the Crash and it works now to the math section i think its not implemented actualy can it be? and back to the minigames i find it okay like yet but how you sayed its problematic in the point Relaxing at the end it is youre Game you set the ways like HMFM Fast Food 2 with the point Pregnancys and more that i like very mush you done many things Right I trust youre meanings to this points If you remove the Minigames its Fine if you want hold it its Fine you know what you want create and this is Realy cool ^^


Could cater to both parties if you feel like mini games could be fun for some you can give options to player to skip mini games entirely or to play through them