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Her green outfit isn't going to be green, it will be blue to match the enemy restaurant color.

I don't know her name yet. Anyone got any suggestions? I might do a poll. It would actually be funny if her name was Wendy from "Wendy's" since she looks like her, but there would be a court lawsuit I am sure.




Call her Windy then and bypass the lawsuit mess lol, also do you ever plan to make any scenes inside the store like in the first game?


I am thinking of calling her Scarlet. I think I am going to avoid Wendy's altogether. I want to expand the sex scenes and have you choose where you can do it at, (your house, the girl's house, restaurant office, restaurant bathroom, for example). More backgrounds and dialogue would be required to do this. It is more of an "extra" feature thing, but I do plan on adding it in.