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"Give Me a Raise" at the end makes the title a bit long. I am also changing it to this so just in case if I were to make another Hire Me Fuck Me game with a different theme instead of fast food, that the title won't be extremely long.


Hire Me Fuck Me: Fast Food
Hire Me Fuck Me: Theme Park
Hire Me Fuck Me: Hospital

Not saying I am going to make these, but I am shortening the title just in case if I branch off to a different theme.



Simple is often better.


might not make em but already thought of new ideas, i like the way it's heading lol


There is also a few more that I haven't mentioned: Hire Me Fuck Me: Retail Hire Me Fuck Me: Game Company (Hire female programmers, artists, musicians etc to make your hentai game) Hire Me Fuck Me: President (President of a country, you hire female body guards and do president things rofl) Hire Me Fuck Me: School (You are the principal at an all girl's school. You hire female teachers and corrupt them, making them teach their students to worship you or they will flunk their classes and never graduate.) Hire Me Fuck Me: Spa Hire Me Fuck Me: Galaxy Mission (Star Trek sort of thing, where you are the captain of your space ship, and you get female crew, humans and other species of crew to occupy your ship as you explore throughout the galaxy) Hire Me Fuck Me: Pirate Booty (Basically the same thing as the above where you are the captain of your own ship, but pirate themed.) and the list goes on.. lol. The series pretty much has a lot of paths that it can take if I do decide to continue it. Also, my girlfriend is actually a nurse so doing a hospital themed game would be interesting.