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-Added 3 more restaurants that you can build

-Added 2 more enemy restaurants that you can take down

-Added chapters 6, 7, and 8

-Added cheats for chapters 6, 7, 8, and 9

-Cheating to a story chapter should correctly display the restaurants for that specific chapter

-Removed the restaurant button from the laptop

-Some bug fixes

-Customer and satisfaction gains and needs adjusted.

I will primarily be working on sex scenes, story chapters, and character dialogue in the upcoming updates.

Also, an update on the voice actress, she decided to not want to do it anymore for some unknown reason. I got a new voice actress however and already paid her and so the sex and interaction sounds should be coming in, in about a week (revisions might be needed, so could be longer).

Here is the new voice actress' demo reel:  https://soundcloud.com/miss-moonified


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