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So, I am not really getting a lot done. At first I was, but then the bed bug problem keeps coming back even worse every time I think they are gone. My family and I have tried multiple solutions, like bed bug powder, bed bug spray, washing and drying bed sheets and clothes multiple times, vacuuming, and today just recently we bombed my room with bed bug fogger while trying to keep the whole room enclosed (which prevented me from going on the computer for a good chunk of the day). We will probably end up having to get outside help to deal with the issue.

I am not getting a lot of sleep and I have been itching constantly. I am willing to give you guys a refund for this month if you comment below or PM me. :) It really isn't fair that you guys are paying and I am not able to work too much at all. This bed bug problem is frustrating and so I really don't mind or blame anyone for taking their pledge off and asking for a refund.

I got Riya's bed sex scene animated and it is in-game. Her third sex scene is mostly setup and needs to be animated. I added a restaurant information bar for when you enter your own restaurant, it will show the restaurant number, amount of customers for that restaurant, and satisfaction for that restaurant. That's all I got done so far.

I plan on changing the release schedule from every 2 weeks down to every 1 week whenever this bed bug problem calms down.

Also, I will be going on a family vacation from June 24th to the 1st of July, just so you guys know if you don't want to pledge during that month. :)



Hey man I know it can be pricey but if you have the money. I highly recommend getting rid of the furniture you have. They are attracted for a reason. At the very least get rid of the mattress set. And clean the other furniture very well outside. If you have a place to stay away from it. I'd recommend it for Atleast a week if you can. That's what my sister had to do and it worked out. Told me friend about it. And after he did it too. No more bed bugs


I did throw out a bunch of stuff already including my mattress before I moved. The only things I have is a small guest bed that I put a bed bug cover over and zipped up, a brand new bed frame I purchased in hopes of them not being able to climb up (and also sprayed the bars so if they did climb up, they should die from the spray, though I might try tape that is sticky on both sides and put it on the bars as I heard that worked well), a computer desk, a computer chair, 3 storage boxes for all my junk, a plastic little dresser for clothes, 2 laundry bins, a fan, a heater, a closet storage hanger, and that's pretty much it. I don't have a lot and in fact got rid of a lot of stuff when I moved.. lol. The problem is, is if I move out of my room, my roommate's room is pretty close by and some bugs might move to his room. Another thing is, I don't think they would leave if I left my room for a week from what I have read and heard online. They can live up to about a year without feeding. I will probably end up getting an exterminator or some form of outside help. Exterminator's are pretty expensive (and I heard exterminators don't always work) and so that's why I have been reluctant to getting one. Edit: I also tried Lavender and Peppermint essential oils for this steamer I bought. It is supposed to repel the bugs as they don't like it. This method kind of works and kind of doesn't. It worked for like maybe 2-3 days on top of using bed bug spray, but then it stopped working. I was using peppermint and switched to lavender but it doesn't seem to make a difference. (Because bed bugs can get resistant to the essential oils eventually and so you need to switch it up.) Sorry for the long explanation, lol.


From what I have seen read and watched. The most effective way to get rid of bed bugs is though heat. What ultimately happens is people come to your house and blast it full of hot air making the entire house a scorching desert feel to it. for about 1 week and usually does the trick.