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I changed up the tiers a bit here and there to make it easier on me so I can spend more time on development.

Also, the beast master game's character art is postponed for now for multiple reasons. I will decide what to do with this game later. I am going to be focusing on HFGR development and work on one game at a time.

Reasons why the beast master character art is postponed:

1. Budget.

2. Quality of HFGR was suffering from my attention being diverted constantly.

3. Good quality animations take so long to create I have recently realized. (This is a big reason why I want to focus on one game for now.)

4. The quality of art from the artist doing the Kitsune for the beast master game wasn't what I wanted. Line art + solid color + some shadowing, didn't justify the overpriced cost.

Thank you! :)



Focusing on one game at a time is a wise move. I have seen too many creators spread themselves too thin working on too many projects at once. Everyone gets frustrated that they are supporting something that takes 'forever' to get to something they can see. Best to get something to a usable place (but that could be upgraded later if you choose) and release it before moving to something else.


HFGR and the beast master game are both planned to be big games and so trying to work on both wasn't a good move, lol. I was just a little worried that once HFGR is done, that there would be a content drought for when I start working on the beast master game. (Because I wouldn't have much to show for the new game right away.) But yeah, it is clear that working on one game is really the best move. I will be able to fully concentrate on making the best fast food hentai game. :)