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 What do you guys think of these ideas for fed and happiness? These are just ideas of what I could do for fed and happiness. 

If Fed is low:

-Decreases your employee's energy regeneration from sleeping.

-Decreases happiness by 5-15 for each time you work her. (The amount of happiness lost will also depend on how many hours you work them. I will balance it.)

-Cripples your employees max energy and max happiness. For example, both stats will go from 100 down to 90, 80, 70, or 60 depending on how low fed is.

If Happiness is low:

-Decreases customer satisfaction for the restaurant for when she works.

 -Decreases fed by 5-15 for each time you work her. (The amount of fed lost will also depend on how many hours you work them. I will balance it.)  

-She will leave work early and so her maximum hours cap that you can work her will be reduced from 8 down to 6, 4, or 2 depending on how low happiness is.

I will also make it so collapsing doesn't happen when she reaches 0 energy but instead, her happiness will fuel it and will go down by twice or three times as much as energy.

I will make sure to make fed and happiness not annoying to keep up.



sounds pretty good. no complaints here