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I am not going to be as active as I want to focus on the game more and be less distracted on comments and postings just so you guys know. :)


Things done so far for HFGR:

-You can now transfer your employees from one restaurant to another through your laptop.

-Chapters 3 and 4 are completed. Chapter 1 is changed so you have to talk to all girls inside their competing restaurants instead of just talking to Mariana.

-You can conqueror another restaurant, which then you will be able to hire Elvira afterwards.

-Flowers, chocolates, and love potion have been removed from the map UI. You will be able to see how many items you have of it when you are gifting a character or when you are in the shop.

-Cheats to skip to chapter 3 or 4 is added.

-Cheat to increase Elvira's level to level 5.

-Map has been decorated with trees, palm trees, the park, and the beach house and bridge.

-Park and beach backgrounds are in-game now but don't do anything at the moment.

-Made it so you can only hire Safiya or Riya at the start of the game. You can hire the other one once you demolish the blue fast food restaurant.


I added a couple back-end things for myself to make things easier and to waste less time developing:

-Test Mode (Skips me to the map right away instead of having to go through the main menu, naming myself, naming restaurant, etc. This allows me to test faster.)

-Code organization and optimization to make things a bit easier.


Things I am currently doing and will then release a new version once these are done:

-Making Elvira's dialogue and making sure everything works and nothing crashes when clicking buttons.

-Adding Riya's outfits.

-Adding Chapter 5.

-Adding the second restaurant's hover over building popup where the characters are displayed with their name, icon, energy, fed, and happiness.

-Fixing gameplay because it isn't too fun at the moment. (Working a character once and then having to sleep 2 times in order to work them again isn't good gameplay.)


Future things I will be doing after the release:

-Adding Aria as a $5 patrons only character. A side quest will be added to unlock her.

-Add to and or fix gameplay.

-More chapters or side quest chapters.

-Riya's sex scenes.

-Add work all and feed all buttons.

-Add dates as a Osu sort of mini game. (Look up Osu on youtube.) The better you do, the more loyalty and happiness you obtain.

-Custom made vector art GUI. (I will be creating the GUI myself.)

-Porn magazine in the player's room will be clickable and will take you to a gallery with all sex scenes and nudity.

-Add more levels to the girls. (I am thinking of like, up to 10 levels instead of 5 for work perform, loyalty, and sex. There will be more ways to obtain work perform, loyalty, and sex EXP so it will balance out.)

-Employee Scheduling. (You pick what days they work.)


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