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This was done yesterday. 




looks like its coming out nicely, I like it. I was also wondering with the monster/animal girl Idea your doing what game style are you mostly going for, is it going to be basically pokemon where you roam, catch, train and then battle using a one-at-a-time battle roster or are you going more for a mix of pokemon and say final fantasy 7(?) where you roam, catch, train, battle, encounter special/rare girls and have a battle field roster where you have multiple girls (trained vs feral) with their own special abilities, uses and strength/weaknesses going on different initiatives/turns?


Very interesting question. It was originally going to be a point and click top down game similar to Pussymon mostly because that would be the easiest and most cost effective way to do it. I am going to do a poll to see if people want Point and Click adventure or if they want to control a top down rpg character to explore and interact. I was originally going to do a turn based combat system similar to Pokemon, but I think I should let a poll decide how the combat should be whether it be Pokemon style, Final Fantasy style, a card based style (draw a card and some attack cards work for some animal girls but not for others, and then a plethora of different cards to use, etc), or some other style. I really want to do weaknesses. Elements probably wouldn't work because the game is a wilderness/feral sort of thing. So something like: (Normal, Ground, Flying, Aquatic), and then their diet: herbivore(increased healing), carnivore (increased attack), The gameplay above is just me thinking aloud and would likely change and expanded upon with deeper thinking when the time comes. I want to do more than just ground, flying, aquatic, and normal for animal girl types. If anyone has any suggestions, post below! There is definitely going to be legendary/rare animal girls. Possibly a dragon girl, a phoenix girl, or a hydra girl (a snake girl?). These are mythical creatures and are a more of a fantasy thing. I am going to do a poll eventually to see if people want mythical creatures in or not. If no, then I would come up with some rare/legendary non mythical animals. I want my games to be shaped largely by you guys. :)


Ok, sounds interesting and i think giving the game/s some staying power would be good in the long run even though they may take longer to make, but that is only my opinion, but either way it sounds quite interesting with the ideas.


Yeah, in the long run I believe it will be good but the game will take longer to make probably.