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Revisions for Safiya's blowjob and titfuck are done. I will be receiving those pretty soon.

Doggyfuck for Safiya will be the next sex scene and illustrations for that should be coming in any day.

I am currently working on Safiya's dialogue. I have went back and forth of what I should do with it. I have realized doing a large amount of dialogue is a job in of itself for a writer so I am not going to do a whole lot per character because creative writing in a game is very time consuming and at times road blocking.

What I plan to do with each character's dialogue is to have each loyalty level unlock 5 dialogue conversations with that character and some decision making here and there. At loyalty level 3 the character will start getting sexual with you and lead to some explicit text.

There isn't going to be a lot of content next release other than more Safiya dialogue. The dialogue has proven to be the most troublesome/time consuming part of making the game but I will get through it! :)

Also, I might add in a dating feature for Safiya to supplement and compensate for not so much dialogue.

Thank you guys! :)


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