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The #1 thing that makes me happy I have realized is people enjoying my content.  You guys showing interest in this game makes me pretty happy. It feels really good!

Next monthly update to the game will have sex animations. As of right now, it is too early to say how many there will be but I am hoping for all or most of Safiya's sex animations to be done.

I have reverted the $10 tier rewards back. I was unsure about that tier honestly, but I feel like the $5 tier is the perfect amount to receive all rewards. :)

Also, I have decided to go with once a month for release updates. I am most comfortable with that schedule rather than every 2 weeks.

On another note, I am currently looking for a job to support this game even further with development costs. I will be out of money for art and animations by February. (My last job was fast food ironically and I quit it because it just doesn't feel good to be yelled at everyday for things you weren't trained for.)

Thank you!


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