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As some of you may know I have a gumroad page where I make cheap little outfits for VRChat as another way to support my work, for those not into subscriptions. I posted a way earlier wip in my gumroad server but I thought I should give you guys/gals/nonbinary pals a more in depth look at how I make these things.

For all my Gumroad outfits, I use a tool called Marvelous Designer, its the 'artist version' of a CAD tool called CLO which is used to create patterns for actual clothing. These outfits take about 3-4 days to sew for simple clothing items like this jacket, since I have to literally measure and tailor it like a tailor would before draping it and simulating the fabric. What is extra fun too is this means I have an actual proper sewing pattern, so if the gooey roo ever pounces on you... give me a call so I can sew a real one for ya! I have included 2 pictures, one showing how I 'sew' items on and another showing an overview of the high detail simulation project.

My goal for this project was to make a multi-versioned outfit that can transfer well to other creatures. In this instance I wanted to have 2 versions, a zipped and unzipped. This leads to a bit more work as the fit has to be just right so it can drape logically in both versions, stuff like the latex suit is so tight to cartoonish proportions that unzipping it makes it simulate poorly. Along with this I used my first instance of 'rigid fabric supports', in this case there are actual shoulder pads on the roo to beef up those shoulders, just like some actual leather jackets. The other fancy part is the transferring, Marvelous Designer has a tool called a 'fitting suit'. WIth it I can sew clothing for one avatar and it can transfer the fit to a completely different one, while still roughly maintaining the placement on the avatar. For example I plan on trying out fitting this jacket onto the Rex.

Im hoping this project turns out as well as it is looking so far, leather work is very different in the seams than cloth, requiring a double seam. Like my other projects im looking to aim at this being 5ish dollars.

If you have any questions about this project feel free to ask! I love talking tech/details about the projects I do, so don't be afraid to ask any question you have.


Front View
Back View, notice the double seems running down the back
Sewing, the lines show me where spots match up, each color is a new sewing segment.
Unbuttoned front view, along with the right side pattern view.
Earlier version in unity, testing modular avatar and rigging.


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