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Hello, we meet again. Apologies for the extended silence, I've been through a lot in the past several weeks. Last time I talked about (somewhat) successfully revamping my schedule and time allotted to drawing etc. Just in time for it to get completely disrupted by: finding a new place to live, moving out, traveling to japan for a couple weeks to visit family, moving in to a new place, unpacking, getting set up, getting used to new roommates...

(Oh yeah, and Tears of the Kingdom came out, more on that later.)

Anyway, to say less it's been tough to keep things together, but now I'm feeling much more situated and I'm ready to share what I've been doing this whole time. Despite the chaos I tried to find some time to keep drawing, so here's a couple of my "better" sketches.

If you're paying attention you might remember this last one from my previous sketch collection, though with a different face and outfit. You might also notice that the body lines are a bit more polished in this version, this was a WIP from some TOTK fanart I finished up yesterday--so you can look forward to the final versions/high-res/psd posts coming out later today!

For this one I tried some new things. Some different brushes, some new techniques...some I liked, some I didn't. Overall this drawing feels pretty successful and I feel like there were some things that definitely saved me some time, hard to tell if that's just because I've been getting more practice in or if I've fundamentally updated my workflow. Guess we'll see what happens on the next one. ;)

So I haven't quite dug back into animation/gamedev stuff after moving yet, but those will be my top priorities for the next update. Just a reminder/fyi for anyone new, my two major projects in progress now are:

Pod's New Program, a spoof of Nier Automata that includes a 2d version of the hacking minigame, animated scenes and VN-style dialogue. Currently working on expanding level design capability and enemy design variety.

A standalone animation featuring Samus. Just because I felt inspired to animate a particular drawing of her and to keep my animation/rigging skills sharp in between other drawings and major project development.

Alright I think that's about it this time around. Thanks so much for reading and for your support! See ya next time-




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