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Alright so I was really hoping to release the final build of Jessie X Arbok at the end of May and then post this update to go along with it, but I was inspired to add one more feature to it before laying it to rest: character skins!

There's just one alternate for each: Jessie has a more revealing option, and Arbok has a shiny version! You'll be able to just click either character to swap their looks.

This was a little tricky to figure out because Jessie and Arbok are actually animated using the same rig, so I had to learn more about Spine's skinning features to be able to swap parts individually. This'll be very useful knowledge for future projects!

All my time has been going into debugging this build and getting it ready for final release. I'll be trying my best to get it done before the end of this month. Thanks for bearing with me and here's some previews of how the skins look:

That's all I got for now. Thanks for your support and I'll see you again soon!




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