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Hey everyone! I sent out some quick updates yesterday but I wanted to follow up and make it more official in the weekly update.

Nomu VS is finished! The final release is available early to $7+ patrons, right here!

All patrons
will have access to it early next month, with the public (browser-only) release being the month after that.

I said this before but I'll say it again: thanks for your support throughout this project! I can't wait to dig back into what I have planned for 2B and future games. With Nomu VS off my plate I can start to make some real progress.

I've recently gotten some very interesting commission work that I'd like to share but I need to clear it with some of my other partners.

I also really really really need to draw more so I can drop more illustration content, got plans for that this month as well and hope to share some ideas soon.




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