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The counterpart to the long-legged, big-mouthed, slime-barfing Gloppergeist would be this spindly, seahorse-like creature who squirts more long-ranged streams of goo.

This leaves open what to do for a third "gooper ghost" Ectosaur.

Something that blows bubbles, like Sludge Bucket from Ghostbusters?

Something that simply swallows its prey and transforms it within its slime-filled stomach?

Something that swells up and "explodes" slime in all directions?




Sludge Bucket mortasheen would be cool call back to your review and relate to them being based of ghostbuster toys, so I think that would be a pretty good third gooper ghost.


I agree that a bubble-blower type would be neat. Either to seal prey inside like the Sludge Bucket box art and transform them, or to surround itself defensively like a lerp or a spittlebug, maybe.


I like it


its cute, but... is this what became of that molten glass cannon? darn


I really like the idea of the gooblin' transforminator oozosaur, if ya did that one i think itd be cool to have a transparent stomach too for full effect