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The working title for the printable game thing is "Nightmare Fright Zone" but it's probably going to change. An even weirder, earlier one was "Homonculous Terror Party."

Some ideas I had for ways to defeat these monsters include things like:

-Placing the monster in the shadow of a nonhuman animal.

-Folding the monster shut and sealing it with candle wax.

-Sewing the monster up inside a stuffed animal.

-Nailing the monster upside down to a tree or post.

Basically you would have to subject these things to bizarre weaknesses akin to traditional vampires, demons and fae.

Even if nobody bothers to play I'm still really keen on making them just as a Halloween art project, but I imagine some people might find it really fun? Maybe? I know I would. I guess I'm making a game I wish already existed.




All of these are adorable and you should be ashamed for encouraging us to punish them


A six-themed monster which is afraid of seven. It can be defeated either by a seven or by seeing the mangled remains of nine. Don't be blatant that the monster is six-based: people should work out the terrible pun on their own. Another one which is afraid the sky will fall on his head tomorrow, but has survived so far because it's always today and never tomorrow: he can be defeated by pointing out the wrong date on the calendar. One that can only be defeated in effigy: defeat it by destroying a statue or image of itself, while it watches in horror. A monster that fears overly complex etiquette: defeat it by giving it cutlery of various shapes and uses, and let it get overwhelmed by the terror of using the wrong fork. A mortar-and-pestle monster that compulsively grinds any whole herbs it encounters, but isn't strong enough to grind stone: disguise a chunk of gravel as a cardamom pod or something, or put lots of gravel in a container that says "whole peppercorns". There's a lot of potential in this idea, and I'm eager to see how it comes out.


Also, I like "Homunculus Terror Party" as a name


Wait, I forgot: the six monster steals items until the amount left is reduced to its favorite number. The sky-fearing one lurks in your umbrella and makes it snap shut on your fingers, because he doesn't want you dislodging him. The effigy one absorbs your treasured photographs and mementos, including making digital files disappear. The etiquette one clogs your sink so you don't have clean cutlery. The mortar-and-pestle one sneaks around overspicing your food, because she thinks it tastes better her way.


I hope that bottom one is a balut monster