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I've never one so much artwork and writing in a single month before, but a lot of it is for stuff you can't see yet! Thanks for being patient as I made a lot of new kinds of content this past month, but at the cost of some of my more usual content. For the next couple months I'll be going back to Awful Hospital, Mortasheen, and Patreon requests, which you can put in right here for October and any others I owe you!


Karl T. Face

's all good, man. You still gave us plenty of stuff to chew on. I don't know how you managed it! As for requests, I find myself wondering about your thoughts on the Graboids from Tremors. Or what your take on the Monster Minds would be, if you wanted to do artwork instead of a monster review. Either would be great!


No worries. I can restate. On August I wanted a review of these silent hill creatures https://www.deviantart.com/darksack100/art/Original-Silent-Hill-monsters-808051652. I'm interested in what you think as someone who was very into the original silent hill monsters. The second for September (were these done yet?) was either https://www.deviantart.com/darksack100/art/DEMONS-official-log-Zurnion-812761187 or Counterspace, a game I made around halloween time and emailed you. If you play it and are interested in giving it a review that would be really cool as well. For October I'm not as sure! I'm thinking https://www.deviantart.com/darksack100/art/Suburban-Deep-Blowfly-816489780 or any other monster (monster group?) from Suburban Deep, which is a game idea I've been thinking about for a while now.


You seem pretty busy, so I'll skip November for now. In August, I requested: 1-Nudibranch, cowrie or jellyfish, harbors internal symbiotic garden of Nepenthes and/or other plants under a clear gelatinous dome. Example: https://clingynepenthes.tumblr.com/post/188245350634/clingynepenthes-ive-always-been-fascinated-by If that sketch turned out unsatisfactory, here's an alternative request: 1-Planthopper with tiny wings/wing buds and a massive epipyropid moth caterpillar sitting on it, "Weird World of Insects" style


September: 1-Garbage monster: "Amphibious" fish that attempts to crawl onto land despite being a strict gill-breather. Lungless. Panics when in water and acts like it's drowning. 2-Garbage Monster: Constantly produces sleeping spores. Not immune to own spores, so always asleep. 3-Garbage monster: Cumbersome shell grows into itself so that mouth of shell is partially obstructed, severely restricting emergence/growth of creature.


October: 1-Fakemon or monster based on the pelican flower/giant Dutchman's Pipe (Aristolochia grandiflora) 2-Borneo sucker/hillstream loach fakemon 3-Gongora orchid fakemon

Gabriel Regli

My sketch requests for the month: An assistant for Dr. P. Cock based on a anaesthetic machine and the March Hare Various twisted Christmas Toy monster ideas Reviews for the month: Alice from Horrorvale Bianca Abercrombie from Clinic of Horrors


Your extra work has definitely paid off, I think! This was one of my favorite Halloweens on the site, especially with the addition of the Hara no Mushi imo! Plus the Gegebo Majuu as well but that's mostly due to me being a huge sucker for in-depth interactive childrens' toys like that, pfft. For review requests, how about some enemies from the games Don't Starve and Knock Knock? Both have a lot of really fantastic monster designs, Don't Starve especially. Hope you had a fantastic Halloween/birthday/anniversary/etc. as well! Make sure to take it easy! ^^


This is my first month as a Patreon, so you don’t owe me anything from past months! Review Requests: The WAU, from SOMA. The poor thing doesn’t even know it’s the villain! Imagine how confused it would be if Simon poisoned it for sticking copies of the crew in virtual reality, then did almost the exact same thing by launching the ARK ten minutes later. Viago, Vladislav, Deacon, and Petyr, the main vampires from What We Do In The Shadows. Their character designs aren't anything bizarre or unusual, but their personalities are fucking hilarious! Plus they still eat people! Except the guy who introduced them to the internet. He's way too nice to kill. Sketch Requests: Phage wearing a Courage the Cowardly Dog costume. BBQ Grill’s vegetarian or vegan counterpart.

Dying Eyes

Hi! I'm really glad to finally be able to help support you! My request for a review is Curious Chandelier from Darius Gaiden. Most Darius bosses stick pretty close to their species of origin with a robotic twist, but some of the choices taken with Chandelier's design make its overall aesthetic seem fascinatingly different to me... I'm curious what you'd think. You can see it in motion here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHp_e69wdxs&t=56m10s ...and the concept art is pretty easy to find online. Sketch Request: What you would create if asked to draw an "evil hexagon" as a cartoon villain.


Hey! I've been a patron for nine months now, but haven't previously requested anything. So, I'd like to use up that back log on a special request. About two years ago, I sent you a package with a copy of the Call of Cthulhu RPG (5th edition) among other doodads, along with a couple of emails with PDFs of books for Call of Cthulhu and Pathfinder. I'd like to request one of the following:<br><br>A review of nine of the most interesting (in your opinion) monsters from Call of Cthulhu, either the big god-like eldritch abominations or the less-powerful inhuman races or both.<br><br>A review of nine of the most interesting (in your opinion) monsters from Pathfinder. Pathfinder just changed over to its second edition this summer, so anything from first edition Pathfinder is fair. A good resource for information about Pathfinder monsters is the Archives of Nethys website ( https://www.aonprd.com/Default.aspx ). No art, sadly, but descriptions of nearly every monster published for Pathfinder.<br><br>A review of nine of the most interesting (in your opinion) fiendish demigods from the Pathfinder volume Book of the Damned. Lots of very interesting baddies here. I'll email a PDF of this volume to you.<br><br>For any of these options, if you'd like, I'll add the following sketch request - draw your personal re-interpretation of the nine monsters you choose to review!<br><br>Thank you very much for you fun and spoopy content!


Hi! I can finally allow to become a patron. It's not much, but I hope it helps a little. Thank you very much for your work!


If I’m not too late, could you review Dali and Goya, two villans/characters from the U.B. Funkeys game? The game is quite obscure and forgotten, so I feel both of them could review as their isn’t too much information on either of them. And could you draw an interpretation of the vultures from this neat little story Jalopey Junction? (https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/d1pnuk/jalopy_junction/) It’s apparently a real amusement park ride too, so there might be pictures of the vultures out there too.


since these might take me a bit anyway, I"m just gonna bump them up to a top ten each!