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This is an actual species of "dragon" you can train and evolve in the classic rpg, Bahamut Lagoon!

The final form is a whole flock of them of varying sizes, I didn't draw that many but I think I captured the spirit.

It's impossible to tell what's claw, tooth, tentacle or feather on the original sprite!




It is also the best dragon! Never mind stats or whatever


Looks like a Buddha's Hand Citron mixed with TT's Deofolskins.


yo where do we make requests? i havent seen a requests thread since i think uhhh late november or early december? i might be wrong obviously but has the requesting method changed or have i just been unobservant


update: patreon does seem to be screwing up, it's skipping all the posts from november and putting me straight into mid-september when i scroll down far enough so it's probably just that


ohh shit i didnt mean to pressure you, sorry - i just saw that there was new requests and figured i was missing the method to do them