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If you can think of "biological" powers I haven't used (or haven't used enough) in Mortasheen, or just any you find especially cool even if you're not familiar with the setting, post them here! It'll help out as I continue to try and sketch as many new monsters as I can think of.



i always thought it would be funny to have a monster that uses one or more of it's eyeballs as a melee weapon


it'd be neat to see more 'grounded' takes on 'elemental' powers like Glublug (for example: maybe an "earth elemental" monster who manipulates massive amounts of soil via weaving a series of fine tendrils through the ground that act as a sort of wire frame for earth constructs?) i don't know if "bone manipulation" as in manipulating the form of one's own bones would be a stretch but that'd also be cool to see. maybe a specialized 'predator' of biomecha who weaponizes rust somehow? a scaled-up version of the bombardier beetle's organic firework gimmick? more 'restrainment' type powers like webbing or something like an organic lasso? maybe it'd be a bit too similar to longfellow, but what about a monster whose existence you can no longer remember once they leave your immediate perception? classic 'series of different monsters that physically combine into one big boy' gimmick? monster that projects 'holograms' with solid mass behind them? crystalline monster that refracts light into concussive beams? maybe a monster 'wearing' its own shed skin that can keratinize it to act as a weapon?


Some ideas! A creature who's body parts can separate from the main body and move around on their own, and can rejoin the body in some crazy organic doll-like socket joints. A stomach monster who's main attack is to spit acid at predators, who want to get to the delicious worm babies living inside it. A creature that grows teeth on it's body for protection, like a armored animal would. Dinos and Rhinos and such like that. A monster that is based off a sundew plant! Sticky pretty nodules and all!


A porcupine-esque creature that can grow a series of bristles on its back, all of which can be broken off by it or an ally to be used as weaponry (different variations of the same species may have poisonous bristles or fractal bristles or any number of different traits based on genetics and diet). Also any monster that spits glue or adhesive as a main weapon.


A "reverse" pufferfish mechanism. The Spanish Ribbed Newt stabs its ribs through its own skin to defend itself, the creature in question would perhaps, normally be rotund with gaseous bladders which it could deflate to contract itself around its overlarge and pointy skeleton. "Depression Gas" that could interfere with dopamine, draining a victim of the will to live, serotonin jamming could lead to self harming actions or a loss of oxytocin causing sudden and violent paranoia. Maybe it just screws with endorphin systems and now every little nick and cut becomes excrutiatingly noticable.


1-Builds shield/fortress out of own feces, like a tortoise beetle grub 2-Evisceration like a sea cucumber (maybe have entrails retain autonomy and movement for a limited time?) 3-Airborne via a float constructed of slime bubbles like a violet sea snail 4-Sheds skin/integument profusely, forming environmental hazard 5-Autotomizes limbs/claws/appendages and launches them as projectiles 6-Produces a single massive and elaborate sperm cell that dwarfs itself, and fights on its behalf 7-Spits out ink decoy that fights on its behalf 8-Headbutts using reinforced cranium 9-Whips with huge antennae 10-Flatulence (both concussive force and noxiousness) 11-Woodpecker's pecking ability weaponized 12-"Transform" into opponent by mimicking appearance


1-Sticky. Just inconveniently sticky, like via resin. 2-Slippery, attacks slip and slide off 3-Weaponized butt (not tail, butt) 4-Dies in a single hit, but a larva rapidly matures and takes its place 5-Houses a larva, which itself houses a larva, which itself houses a larva... 6-"Monster" is actually inanimate nest being puppeteered and/or being destroyed and rebuilt rapidly to simulate movement 7-Bites using toothed anus 8-Horns/claw/nails grow rapidly, greatly increasing length in seconds


Controlling swarms of critters is one of my favorite abilities: lepidopterans i.e. moths scatter scales and poke eyes, cockroaches (surprised you don't have a monster that controls roaches) and termites chew and bite, slugs and snails entangle and slow down, blister beetles corrode, antlered flies dart and swoop. keds and hippoboscids draw blood, gastric botflies, bloodsucking horseflies/deerflies, tiny gnats/midges choke respiratory systems, flatids/fulgorids scatter down sticky honeydew and wax, woodboring beetles, piddock clams and shipworms tunnel through flesh and bone, and other aquatic swarms, plecos and suckermouth fish and lampreys, fishhook waterfleas, venomous catfish, flesh-boring Cetopsis catfish, candiru, cercariae, etc.


There's a type of mushroom that basically Dooms you, by basically shutting off your cells ability to reproduce. Can't remember what it's called but the idea of a real life version of the "you will die in 7 days" thing is Scary AF and cool


oh man i'm wracking my brain and i'll definitely be revisiting this later with better ideas than this but i don't think i've ever seen something of yours that uses a weapon separate from its body? which makes sense given how technology and biology are so interlinked in mortasheen, but i'd still love to see something like. just supernaturally skilled at grabbing and using wrenches and swords and small girders and stuff. also another prompt that popped into my head while i was typing this one: "living tidepool".


OO heres one: a monster built around harmless capture rather than attack, for use on important targets or by pacifist trainers. very bulky design to store its various redundant means of pacification.


Maybe a monster that can punch really fast and really precise, JoJo style?


here's EVEN more ideas! - a monster with 'suction pads' on its hands/mouth/tail capable of generating so much sucking force they can rip chunks off of concrete or completely eviscerate smaller creatures - a monster with a body composition similar to that of sand or loose dirt - a monster that can make solid matter around it more 'rigid' ('biological' explanation: similar 'tendril mesh' projection as the earth bending suggestion above, but used to limit the articulation of matter by forcing the material it's rooted in to stay in place) - a monster that administers "tough love"--possesses a regenerative fluid on its spiked knuckles that can only work their magic by making contact with the wound itself, requiring the monster to punch the injury - a monster that generates a substance following the edges of surfaces, solidifying into incredibly sharp + durable extensions of those edges. essentially makes edges super big and super sharp. edgelord projection, if you will - a monster that can 'break down' solid matter it holds into its most basic 'ingredients', kind of like the deconstructive phase of FMAB alchemy - a monster that projects taut, solid 'wires' from its hands that can be used to puncture other living things' basic points of articulation and crudely 'puppeteer' them. differs from the one strawman o'war monster by virtue of being much less refined in terms of technique and motor skill but much more suited for direct combat and with no need for the monster itself to hide - a monster whose saliva essentially becomes cartoon bubblegum when spit out, erupting into a sticky gauze that can mire down even an Ultimate - a monster that can disintegrate anything it physically touches (most likely limited to a single region of its body like its tongue or the palms of its hands) - a monster that can regulate its internal temperature so efficiently it is practically immune to monsters specializing in heat or cold-based attacks - a monster that can ingest a sample from an organic being in order to track them, growing more frenzied and physically capable as it gets closer - a monster that can generate gel duplicates of objects/living things/etc, to the point where the doubles can even use their basis's powers, but it won't take a lot of strain or physical damage to destroy them - a monster with shock absorption--can take a LOT of punishment in terms of physical force (maybe even release the built-up shock they've taken from their body?), but since it's not outright shock NEGATION, a severe enough continuous barrage can overwhelm their abilities and send them flying - a monster that produces small growths or larvae that act as telepathic "traps"--they can be imbued with simple telepathic commands or messages from the original monster, and any living thing that wanders in proximity of them will be subject to their influence - a monster with insanely powerful dominating telepathic influence that can only be felt by living things it's yelling at OR physically gripping (only one of the two. essentially a telepathic monster who makes you do things by being an angry drill sergeant) - a monster that can manipulate the location of its nerves, able to condense them into one place to negate feelings of pain everywhere else on its body, or even hack them up into an attacker's face as a last-ditch defense mechanism - a monster that becomes more and more physically capable as it experiences constant fear/anger/excitement/other feelings of stimulation - a monster that accesses psychokinetic abilities by essentially "borrowing" the brainpower of other living things in the area, temporarily sapping their mental capabilities in order to wield impressive psychic powers - an Unknown-class monster that can essentially 'pokeball' solid matter into marble-sized organically-produced containers, able to release them later with no (physical) ramifications to the target - an Unknown-class monster that can "project" its mass away from the image of its body, essentially leaving the impression of an inert visible 'body double' left behind as the invisible monster makes its escape and call back the image of its body later - a monster that can come back from any physical injury given that it has enough time to rapidly regenerate a new body and burst out from within its battered husk - a monster whose body will refuse to shut down in spite of any physical injury as long as it can keep stubbornly gritting its teeth - a monster who spits 'seeds' that will violently take root in and sprout vast amounts of organic matter from anything they manage to penetrate - a monster with a secondary brain completely devoted to memorizing melee fighting styles used against it in order to adapt around and counter them - a monster that generates "will o the wisps" of gas/light/slime/etc. that will mentally disarm and temporarily distract monsters with the ability to see them - a monster that functions like a windup toy--can perpetually repeat a series of set action (probably something like biting, punching, shooting out its piston-like head + neck, stinging, etc.) by "winding up" an internal spring mechanism - a monster that generates organic bear trap-like structures across its body, clamping onto anything that sets them off so fiercely that anything that tries to escape could just end up ripping the trap off the monster's body instead of freeing themselves - a monster that can propel themselves with frightening speed using internal 'valves' that channel the air from their breath and blast out from places like their palms and the soles of their feet - a monster that can physically disintegrate and reform their primary 'grappling' appendages (arms or a prehensile tail) at will, maybe somewhat phoenix-themed? - a monster that generates bubbles of various sizes, all alike in their bounciness, resilience, and sheer physical bulk - a monster that instantly renders solid matter more malleable by and only when they're holding it in their hands--for example, they could hold onto and bend a streetlight at the point they're holding it, but letting go means the streetlight is completely solid again if now bent to the monster's will - a monster that can 'fold' themselves like origami to amplify the force and speed of their strikes as they unfold - a monster whose physical blows guarantee the physical disorientation of their victims, their effects 'stacking' if done in a close enough time frame together (maybe an old-timey cartoon or 'seeing birds' motif?) - a monster who functions on 'character creation slider' dynamics--can 'hulk out' or extend body parts of themselves with the necessity of shrinking a corresponding part of their body to retain the same mass. can hulk out their entire body for a little bit but it's usually a last-ditch effort as it requires shrinking all of their organs which usually kills them in the end - a monster with unstoppable momentum (think Juggernaut) - a monster that has specific portions of their body (restricted to their hands? teeth? spikes/horns across their form?) that can mimic whatever substance they're currently touching - a monster whose skin is elastic and outright impenetrable + a counterpart monster whose innards and viscera are too dense and solid to be subject to physical trauma


i got one: monster with a modular body and powerful healing factor that lets it rip itself up and rearrange on the fly. in the event of its death, any surviving module can run off and grow into a full set which bears most or all of its old owner's personality


A large cuddlefish like monster with powerful camouflage, making it invisible most of the time. It embeds its tendrils into the spinal cord of other creatures to puppeteer them, while its real body is a few feet away.