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For the rest of this month (if you haven't made a request that I've filled yet) and for July, too, if you're going to still be here!

$10+ patrons get a sketch page of any creature or character concept they want.

I've decided $20+ patrons get EITHER two sketch pages or a simple colored piece of cartoony art.

$30+ patrons get both a sketch page and a colored piece of art.

Lots of you forget! And sometimes I've missed requests because Patreon didn't really notify me too well, as a Patreon creator the interface was pretty hard to keep track of until only their most recent update!

If you have any outstanding requests I haven't gotten to, remind me of them here, I finally have a solid week of NOTHING that needs doing other than Awful Hospital



I for one would love to see a concept for an animal of the "vook" universe (remember, in that SCP-inspired Harmburger short story you wrote a few years ago). A grizzly bear, perhaps? Though I understand if you prefer to leave it to the imagination what creatures from that universe really look like.


I always look forward to sketch requests, but I'm always afraid you're too busy. One does not want to come off as persistent and nagging.


Oh phooey, "enter" still posts. Oh well:


NOT AGAIN. Ahem: February: Colored pic req: Swamp Harpy or Faerie Pupa


May: Weird Passiflora that is both protocarnivorous (like P. foetida) and a butterfly egg mimic


May colored sketch already done!


I'm so sorry I keep trying to press "enter" and keep forgetting it posts, I meant the May Passiflora request is just the sketch as the colored piece is already done (Fungal Jellyfish)


i know i'm sort of on a one track mind right now but didn't you mention you wanted to re-do a few pictures for the mortasheen rpg?


June: For uncolored sketch, choose one: plant monster that utilizes its flowerpot as a shell like a hermit crab OR "Bounsour" (fake rumored side-evo of Bounsweet). Colored sketch: Orange and brown bubble-eye goldfish OR Psychic pufferfish


lol wut if this was a thing I completely forgot! Nice to find out about an unexpected bonus! :D Hmmmm sketch pages... how about... June: I'm obsessed with dragons right now but I don't like most traditional dragon designs, so...strange/non-traditional dragon(s)? July: a creature that only lives in the space between the hands of two people who are holding hands.


I don't know what to request. :(


hmmm for june could you do a sketch page of cat ghouls, and for july a page of worm elementals? I'm sorry for asking you to draw these, I know it's part of your patreon but I sorta feel bad requesting aaa. but yeah thanks for doing this its super cool!!


July payment done! If I may: for July, uncolored sketch: botanical based on the flower of the Touch-Me-Not (aka Police Helmet or Indian Balsam). Colored sketch: Dinoflagellate Sorcerer


Did you want a realistic passiflora, like sketches of its foliage as well as flowers or some kind of pokemonesque monster? :D


As you wish! But since its an uncolored sketch, how about an example of both? :)


For July, I would please like a colored picture of Despotellis in Awful Hospital form. She/it is a sentient virus from DC Comics and a member of the space miltia Sinestro Corps, which are the fear themed evil/morally ambiguous counterparts to the Green Lanterns.

Disva Dravir

For July, I would like a coloured page of your choice of one of the following options: "Still Life" "Ear Drummer" "Half a Mind to Kill You" "Feeding The Hand That Bites You" And for the sketch page, one of the following (your choice): Symbiotic fungi-bacteria pairs Self-Telekinetic Microorganisms Biological Amplifiers Wirespun Wildlife