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Wearily, you traipse through the swamp. Lost. Tired. Disorientated. It feels like hours since you stumbled your way into this labyrinth of dead, gnarled trees, toxic bogs and unrelenting mist that swirls and laps around your feet, obscuring anything beyond a few feet in front of you.

Hours have passed. It must be close to sunset. Or...for all you know, many days have already passed since you reached this accursed place for how little sunlight penetrates these murky depths. It feels as though you're stumbling through a place locked in a perpetual state of twilight, frozen in time, in its own little hellish world.

You'd initially set out to these lands on a quest, in search of rare alchemical ingredients that were known to border the swamp. You'd never meant to stray this far from the trail. And it feels like the more you try to retrace your steps, the deeper you wade into the murky unknown. Landmarks you'd sworn were just ahead seem to vanish into the mist and trees that had served as familiar points twist and shift, throwing your internal compass completely out of whack. It's like the swamp has a mind of its own, and is just toying with you until you drop dead of exhaustion. Or worse. Would it pity you if you dropped onto your knees, into the thick mud, and pleaded with it to be released from this hell? Or...is this just all in your head, and you're a far worse navigator than you initially thought?

Either way, you hadn't intended on this being a long trek--so you're ill prepared for such an extended stay in an outwardly hostile environment. Equipped with light gear with little in the way of food--or even water--you feel yourself growing weaker with every step.

Seconds turn to minutes to hours the more you wander around in circles, praying for some glimmer of hope or stroke of luck. The mud seems to suck harder at your feet, locking you into place the more you struggle back against it until finally you free yourself with a deafening squelch. It seems you were fated to meet your end here, and that no matter how much you struggle, you'd never--...

...That's when you see it. Right when all hope seems lost. A warm amber glow, gently flicking against the wall of mist before your weary eyes. Uncaring if it's a trap at this point, you rush towards it. It's the first sign of life you've seen all day--you'll take what you can get.

And the closer you get towards the light, the larger it becomes. The uneven bog you'd been struggling not to flop face-first into all this time begins to thin, giving way to something almost resembling a path. A well-trodden one at that. Hope surges through your exhausted body, pushing aside all the despair that had been steadily crushing down on your shoulders throughout the day. Someone really was ahead--they just had to be!

Resisting the urge to outright sprint across this makeshift path, you hobble along with renewed vigor. The light that had enamoured you so much is as bright as ever now. And finally, you see it--a large silhouette standing tall in the mist. And with a few more steps, the large shadow resolves into something almost resembling...a house!

Well... It wasn't quite a 'house'. It was more of a shack. A fairly lopsided one at that, built against the base of a particularly tall tree, but it was a structure all the same. And from the warm light emanating from its windows--clearly someone was inside!

You drag your body forward, tattered from snagging against so many vines and branches that seemed like they were purposely reaching out to you. Unsteady feet carry you up the rickety wooden steps leading to the door of the house. Or rather, less a door, and more a large plank of wood with a handle shoddily slapped onto the front that seemed like it was more for aesthetics than an actual, functional reason. Whoever lived here clearly wasn't a carpenter. But--that didn't matter! Especially when you could feel so much warmth emanating from beyond. And even smell a delicious meal. Mouth watering, you give a gentle knock on the door with what little strength you have left. You almost collapse against it in the process.


Something--someone--stirs on the other side, a delicate voice exclaiming in surprise. Your heart soars. Truly, you're saved! To think you'd find somebody living out in the middle of such a dangerous swamp. What a stroke of luck!

"I wasn't expecting any visitors at this time of day! Or...most times of the day, heehee... But come in, come in! You must be really tired from walking around that smelly old swamp all day, right? Don't be shy~"

'Tired' was the understatement of the century. Without a second thought, you pry the board-door open and drag yourself on inside. Almost immediately, your body is hit by a comforting warmth and that foreboding chill of the mist that seemed so set on consuming you is dispelled in an instance.

Contrary to the ramshackle appearance on the outside, the interior of the shack is far more cozy and homely than you could have imagined. Both boarded walls and thick tree trunk alike form the basis of the living room you find yourself in, a lively fire crackling off to the side with plush furnishings dotted around throughout. An additional room lies off to the side, which you can only surmise is a kitchen of sorts thanks in part to the mouth-watering aromas wafting from it.

"Sit down, sit down! I'll bring you something super tasty that'll perk you right up~ You came at the perfect time, I think!" the lively voice beckons from beyond as all manner of clanking and clinking noises can be heard. A cheery hum is quick to fill the air, the voice belonging to that of what you can only imagine is a spirited young girl. How she ended up living here of all places is quite the mystery...but you're far too tired to question it. More importantly, you're safe. Warm. Secure. And nourishment is on the way.

A contented sigh escapes you as you collapse into the sofa facing the fireplace. All at once, the exhaustion of the day catches up with you as your muscles grow numb, and for a brief moment in time, it feels like you're floating on a cloud. Truly, this mysterious young woman is your saviour. You'll have to think of some way to repay her kindness. Not that you have a lot of money to your name--given you were undertaking such tedious quests for scraps from the guild, but still...!

As you wait for your saviour to prepare your supposed tasty treat--sinking into the plushness of the sofa all the while--your gaze wanders, taking in more and more the unique abode.

Given the handmade nature of it all, both the walls and floors alike slope and tilt in unnatural ways, throwing off your perspective just a bit. A shaggy rug lies out underfoot, dyed with splotches of a mysterious blue substance here and there.

Or...now that you're able to focus just a bit more without the threat of exhaustion finishing you off...you can't help but notice there's quite a few splotches of blue. At first, you assumed it was a paintjob gone awry, but from what you can gather, it's far more viscous than any paint you've ever known. The substance stains the carpet, the floors, the wall...even bits of the ceiling. And in a few instances, you see a few large globs of the stuff sticking to the furniture.

...Huh. Oh well. It's probably nothing. You shrug, perking up moments later as that cheery voice sounds out again.

"Sorry for the wait. I don't usually have company, so it took a bit to find a spare plate, heehee... And then it was really dusty, so I had to clean it, but then I just made it messier, and--ahhh... That doesn't matter!"

Your saviour finally emerges from the kitchen. You swivel your head to meet them, watching as they have to dip low to avoid their excessively large, pointy hat from bashing against the frame of the doorway. Your jaw drops at what awaits you.

Blue. So very blue. You've never seen a person more blue than the woman before you. Blue hair. Blue skin. Blue eyes--actually, no, her eyes are a deep, dazzling purple, but still. Everything else is so...blue!

Clad in a pointy hat and a dress that hugs to her curvaceous form perhaps just a little too snugly, it takes a tremendous amount of willpower to keep your gaze fixed politely on her face.

...Willpower that you currently lack after such a tiring trek through the swamp, so your eyes roam lower anyway.

Down, down, and further down, your increasingly wide eyes trace over the contours of the outrageous figure she flaunts so readily. And with a hole cut right into the middle of her dark dress, a convenient window is provided to the ample amount of cleavage she has on display. A hole which you believe exists for both form and function, given how much those obscenely large blue mounds strain out against the top, the cups of bra pinching in deep against the jiggly mass. Any attempts to contain them or cover them with a top would simply be an exercise in futility, given the amount of fabric you'd need to do so.

And so, your weary, tired eyes are treated to quite the invigorating sight. But it's just her chest that stirs your senses--the wide hips she boasts are equally enrapturing, lending to quite the hourglass figure. One that feels beyond perfect--as if her body had been perfectly sculpted to drive a man wild.

It's only when you finally take in her entire blue, glossy figure--from the head...allllll the way to her toes that you realise...well...she doesn't actually have any toes. Or feet. It's hard to discern exactly where her legs stop after the hips, with the tight dress she wears working wonders to accentuate her shapely figure...but from what you can gather, in place of feet, she simply has an amorphous base. One that oozes and drips with that same blue substance you've spotted all over her cozy abode.

Further more, an assortment of equally slimy appendages wriggle from out of that base and dance around her like a convenient set of extra arms, each gripping something with a surprising amount of dexterity for tentacles that otherwise look so unwieldy.

Suddenly...the blue 'skin' makes a lot more sense. And the unusual--yet oddly enticing--sheen that her gelatinous, jiggly figure bears.

In other words... She's a monster. A slime. Huh.

...Wait--a slime? Was this how it was supposed to go...? Wasn't it usually someone a little more...hissy and scaled? Maybe a forked tongue and a large serpentine tail...? Not that you've ever been here before...but still, something deep in the back of your mind complains that this isn't how it's meant to go.

"Hmmm? Not what you were expecting~?" the slimy girl asks with a tilt of her head and a small smile. Her hair--more large clumps of slime resembling a hairstyle than actual hair itself--flops along with her. She bats her large amethyst eyes innocently.

You give a shrug, not particularly minding either way. Human, monster, it doesn't matter. The fact that she so readily welcomed you into her home in your time of need is proof enough that she's a good person. Surely NOTHING bad will happen here.

Relaxing in the face of your indifference, the slimy girl breaks out into a more dazzling smile as she oozes forward some more. Two plates clink in her grasp whilst her tentacles balance a variety of other dishes and bowls.

"Aw, I'm glad, then~ Because you never know how humans will react when they see someone like me, heehee..."

She reaches the sofa you've thoroughly entrenched yourself upon and sets the plates down on the coffee table before you, treating you to a rather nice, jiggly glimpse of her swaying mounds in the process. The slimier appendages from her base work systematically to set the rest of the plates down, too.

"Here we go~ Enjoy!"

...So spellbound by her assets were you, it takes a good moment to realise she's talking about the food, and not her cleavage still swaying so tantalisingly before your eyes like two great servings of delicious jello. You wipe the drool from your mouth and give her an appreciative bob of your head as she straightens up. And then finally look at what's been laid out on the table before you.

Treats as far as the eye can see. Freshly cooked pancakes with a heavenly aroma, sweet buns drizzled with icing...and some even bearing suspiciously blue glazing... Cakes of various sorts, candy, and even a few pies. It's a sweet feast!

"You came at the perfect time~" the slime chirps happily beside you as you gaze in mouth-watering awe at the spread of confectionery. "I just cooked up a fresh batch of...everything, I suppose~"

The flexible tentacles all around her give a series of boastful wiggles as the slime they belong to grins bashfully, her blue cheeks going a shade of purple opposed to pink.

"Multitasking in the kitchen is no problem at all when you've got these, ahuhu~"

You nod in understanding. Indeed--having tentacles like that would be a boon in such a field. Or...any number of professions, really! Why was it humans feared their kind again...?

"But enough about me. Eat up, human--you look like you're about to drop dead!"

She nudges a fork your way with a considerable amount of concern in her eyes. And then you finally become aware of just how much your stomach has been gurgling this whole time, muted by the excitement of both the food and the gorgeous slime who cooked it all.

Taking the fork--and shaking some of the slime off, to which the slimy girl gives another bashful giggle--you then thoroughly dig in.

And...what a treat it is. It tastes just as good as it smells--if not better. Starting with the pancakes, your mouth is treated to the perfect fluffy texture, and just the right sweetness from the fruit heaped on top. There's a burst of flavour with every bite, prompting uncontrollable noises of delight from your lips as your hand shovels each new mouthful in.

Given you spent the good part of a day or two wandering on your feet, you have quite the appetite to sate. One plate is cleared. And then another. And another. You just can't stop yourself, addicted to the sweet, rich taste of it all.

All the while, the slime watches on happily, even as manners escape you and before you know it, you're shovelling food in by the handful.

"Awww~ You really were hungry, huh? Eat as much as you want, heehee~ I'm glad you like it so much!"

It's only after you've engorged yourself on such much of the sugary goodness that you remember it most likely wasn't all made for you. Guiltily, you push some of the plates towards the slime, realising at this rate there's going to be nothing left. She flutters her eyes at the gesture before drawing a hand to her large, bouncy chest.

"Me? Ahuhu--don't worry! I can't actually eat anything I make, what with not having a stomach and all~" She traces a hand down her front with a wriggle of her hips. "I just like to make it for fun! So you can have it all. It's nice someone's actually eating it this time and that it's not going to waste!"

Oh. Well. That works out, you suppose. Indeed. You nod at this whilst cramming another cake into your mouth. But then why did she make so much...? You don't pry for now whilst enjoying the feast.

And much gorging later, you're lounging back against the sofa, hands upon your full stomach and face thoroughly smeared with syrup, icing and all manner of other sugary delights.

Perhaps not the healthiest meal you've ever had...but it did wonders to boost your energy and revitalise a body that was on the drink of death, so you're not going to complain. Compliments to the chef. For someone who can't actually eat anything, she sure does have a knack for making her sweets super tasty.

"All done now? Nice and full~?" the slime asks as she squelches before you with a clap of her hands. All the while, her tentacles fuss over the empty dishes you left in your wake, stacking them deftly without the woman in question even needing to look their way. Do they have a mind of their own, you wonder...? Realising you're getting distracted, you nod up at the woman. She beams, thoroughly pleased with your reaction.

"Yay~ I'm so glad! Oh--and I guess I should introduce myself now, shouldn't I? I didn't want to bother you too much while you were eating, heehee~ Ahem..."

Straightening up as best she can--her pointy hat grazing the uneven ceiling above--she clears her throat whilst drawing a hand to her abundant cleavage. Then, producing a wand from the depths of her cleavage, she strikes a glamorous, jiggly pose before you with a wink.

"I am the Great Slime Witch Jilly~ I'm the keeper of these swamps, and friend to all cute humans!"

The tip of her wand gives off a bright blue glow as sparks fly from it and create a dazzling array of magical sparkles around her. She strikes another--equally jiggly--pose in the process, really giving you a glimpse of her cleavage now with a knowing grin.

"My knowledge of magic is unparalleled in the slime world! And there's no spell too small that I can't cast!" With another swish of her wand, glittery, translucent bubbles pop into existence all around her. You clap in awe at the display, prompting another tantalising bow from her.

Revelling in the attention, she shifts into one more pose, her wand tracing pretty blue, sparkly patterns in the air as she does so. A heart is drawn as it drifts out and explores into a dozen more tiny--but equally adoring--hearts. And then a star. And finally, a pretty impressive likeness of her face. Each work of magic art exploding out into yet more sparkling wonders.

"It's rare for a slime to learn magic, largely because it's our one main weakness, heehee... So most of my kind don't even want to touch a wand or a staff!" she admits with a grin as the magic creating a sparkly backdrop behind her continues to shine bright. "But it's not too dangerous if you know what you're doing! I've only blown an arm off once or twice. No big deal." The apparent arm in question is waved cheerfully--all in one piece. "Perks of being a gelatinous being who can regenerate any lost mass," she adds with a wink.

The magic display over, after another thunderous round of applause from you in your sugar high, those gorgeous amethyst eyes settle on your excited form. "Ooh, but what about you, human? Who are you? And how did you find me? Tell me everything!"

She brings herself in close. Closer still, lowering her gelatinous being down onto the sofa right beside you as she leans in with stars in her eyes. You're incredibly aware of the soft, plush sensation of her ample, slimy assets pressing in tight against your arm in the process--her slime rather cool to the touch. Any attempts made to shift back--if only to be polite--are met with her amazing bust pushing in even tighter in the process. Clearing your throat and doing what you can to keep a level head, you indulge her as requested.

Your tell her your name, your profession, how you first arrived at the swamp, and the gruelling journey you had leading up to this point. She listens on intently, nodding along with every word, ample chest squishing in tighter and tighter, and her eyes seeming to glow ever brighter--as if they too possessed just as much sparkly magic as her wand.

"You poor thing, you..." she coos sweetly, draping a slimy hand upon your shoulder. What little of your shoulder can be seen that isn't enveloped by her giant assets, at any rate. Sympathy radiates from her large-eyed gaze. "I can't believe you went through all that! These swamps are scary, huh?"

You nod dreamily, resisting the urge to lean right back into her. The way she talks so sweetly in your ear makes all of your troubles and cares just...melt away. Like nothing else matters anymore. Maybe you'd died out in that swamp and stumbled into your very own personal slimy heaven...?

"But you don't have to worry about all of that here. You're safe in my humble little home!" Jilly boasts quite proudly as she pulls back, puffing her slimy chest out for good measure. "Me and the swamp--and all the little creepy-crawlies that come out at night--we have an agreement! They don't bother me, or my guests, and I don't bother them. All it took was a little magic...persuading, ahuhu~"

The...what-y whats that come at night...? You blink at that and cast a glance out to the window where it's noticeably darker now--if such a thing were possible. Jilly picks up on your confusion and grins.

"Oh, right--yes! You got inside just in time! Once it gets dark enough, all the creepers and the crawlers come out of the bogs, looking to play!" She draws a finger to her glossy--and also incredibly slimy--lips. "Hmm... Well, less 'play' and more...'maim', was it? But they consider that the same thing!"

You shudder all over as you spot shadows with glowing eyes ambling past one of the windows. A slimy hand comes down to pat your head and suddenly you don't feel so frightened anymore.

"Aww, heehee--but don't worry. No maiming takes place under my roof! Most of the time. Just the occasional explode-y arm when I mess up one of my spells."

That's...comforting. Maybe? Still, you beam up at her with a thankful grin. She nods right back at you.

"So you can stay here for the night if you want! At least until the creepy-crawlies go back under the mud. Sound good?"

...Well...it's either that or risk a maiming. Plus, it's not like being in the company of this wonderfully slimy lady is such a bad thing. Especially if she insists on remaining as close as she is and gracing you with countless bouncy blessings. Giving her your decision, Jilly claps her hands excitedly, casting slime around with each resounding slap.

"Oooh! Yay~ You can tell me more stories about you and the other humans, And we can roast marshmallows over the fire! It's gonna be so much fun!" With that, she sets off at a bouncy pace towards the kitchen as she continues to excitedly ramble on, well past earshot. You can't help but keep up a goofy grin, her enthusiasm infectious and her child-like innocence refreshing in a world mired by so much death and destruction beyond these four misshapen walls.

And so, just as promised, you regale the excited slime with many tales from your misadventures. Most resulting in failed quests...but...there's at least a FEW victories in there. Because you're not sure you'd be able to live with yourself if your life was nothing but a string of tragic failures.

Making yourselves cosy by the fire, with Jilly lying on her stomach, head propped up by her hands and tentacles wriggling behind her like legs, the intimate atmosphere in the air only grows. Marshmallows are toasted, tongues are burnt after cooking them too hot, and laughs are had, the slime's infectious giggles booming out deep into the night and keeping the beings of shadow far, far away.

Before you know it, the pair of you are dozing off together in the early hours of the morning, even if you both wished this moment in time could last forever.

You hadn't intended on it either, but you ended up learning that Jilly's ample, slimy bust made for quite the set of pillows--even as cool and...squishy to the touch as they were. With her heavenly chest serving as your resting place, you enjoy perhaps the best sleep of your life, locked in an embrace of oozing appendages.

And then morning finally comes.

Awaking to the dim, crackling embers of what remains of the fireplace, the first thing you see upon fluttering open your eyes is an adorable sleepy face. With her large, pointy hat cast off to the side at some point during the night, you have a clear view of Jilly's sleeping features as she takes in the doziest of breaths.


In your attempts to let the slime sleep in peace, you find you're quite literally stuck against her, your head glued to her heaving bosom and the rest of your body partially submerged into her tentacles. Which...is only to be expected, you supposed, given how tightly she's been holding onto you all night. Realising there's not much that can be done here, you simply nestle right back into her inviting chest and whittle away a few more hours of the morning.

Adventuring can wait for just a little while longer...

Eventually, the pair of you do indeed get up. After a great amount of difficulty in prying you away from her sticky being, of which the slime witch apologised profusely for in a fluster. But after that was taken care of, you both find yourselves tottering about the living room in a sleepy daze.

Jilly stretches. Both her arms, and her tentacles are hoisted up high into the air before breaking into a quiver. It's quite a cute sight, really.

"Mmmnnn... I'd offer you some tea, but...I don't know how to make it, ahuhu~"

...You're sure you can  hear a very angry hiss sounding off in the distance--as though a certain hiss mistress is very disappointed in her replacement today.

"I'm sure I have some leftovers from yesterday, though if that works. Maybe I can pack you up a nice little lunchbox for the road home!"

You nod appreciatively as she dips back into the kitchen, then casting your gaze back over the living room you'd slept in. You'd only spent a short while in this place, but already, it was feeling far more comfortable and familiar than most inns you'd frequented. Maybe it was down to the homely furnishings? Or the warm, crackling fire? Maybe even the endearing blue splotches all over the place? Or...perhaps even the person responsible for said splotches, who'd been far more generous a host to you than you'd ever felt you'd deserved, considering you'd barged in on her unannounced completely out of the blue.

"And here's some pancakes for breakfast--and then a few treats you can snack on while you're out!" Jilly chirps as she squelches out of the kitchen with both a plate and a small bundle of offerings wrapped together in cloth. You smile back at her, your stomach already grumbling.

"I guess you're probably wondering why I cook so many tasty treats then, right~?" Jilly finally says after a period of silence between you whilst you shovelled the delicious pancakes into your maw. You dwell on the question for a moment before nodding. You hadn't wanted to pry before, but...well...you ARE curious.

Hands clasped behind her back as she wriggles anxiously, the slimy witch draws a finger to her cheek. "Ehehe... Maybe it'll sound silly...but...well...even as happy as I am out here, doing witchy things and living off of the land...it can kind of get...lonely, you know~?"

You nod in understanding, letting your fork clatter to the empty plate before giving Jilly your undivided attention. Living out here in such an isolated spot... For weeks...if not months or YEARS at a time...you can't imagine what it might be like.

"So I thought...maybe if I bake enough yummy treats, I can throw a party, and maybe people will show up! Humans, monsters, it didn't matter to me. Except...the creepy-crawlies..." She shudders. So do you. Given what little you know of their interests, you can't see them as being the sociable type...

Sadness tugs at Jilly's gelatinous features as she goes on. She wrings her hands nervously, to the point of digging right into the slime. "It didn't really work at first...and all I did was waste a lot of food...but...I thought maybe I just wasn't making tasty enough stuff! So I kept at it--cooking and cooking, and never letting my failures get me down too much!"

Finally, her expression softens as she looks right at you. Your heart skips a beat at the sight of those sparkling amethyst hues radiating with such fondness for you and you alone.

"And just when I was starting to give up hope that it'd ever work... Well... I guess it finally did, because it let you right to me, heehee~ And you loved it, right?"

You nod without a second thought, licking your lips for good measure. While the more rational part of you wants to say that simple luck and desperation led you to Jilly's rickety doorstep...it'd be nice to imagine that it WAS her optimistic and cheery spirit--and of course, amazing treats--that summoned you here. Because wouldn't that make for a far 'sweeter' story to tell?

With that said, the slime fidgets some more. She glances off to the side, her mouth moving, but the words not quite coming out. You lean, trying to pick up whatever she might be struggling to get out.

"Uhm... I know I might be asking a whole lot of you, human... B-but...if it's okay with you... Could you maybe...come visit again some time? Only if you have the time! I won't force you or anything--I'm not that kind of slime, honest!"

You can't help but chuckle at how bashful she's become, before nodding without a second thought. You were going to show up at her door again anyway, whether she asked or not.

"Really? Wheeeee~ Yay!" She rushes forward--incredibly quickly for someone without any legs--and scoops you up into a tight, crushing hug. With both her arms AND her tentacles. You're torn between wheezing out for dear life, and drooling at the sensation of being squashed right up against her malleable assets.

And after twirling around with you in her grasp for an excited for moments, she finally sets you back down onto unsteady feet. You toddle back in a breast-induced daze as she reverts back to bashful mode.

"Ahuhu, sorry. I got a little carried away there...but...I really am happy! Maybe my days in the swamps won't be as lonely as I thought after all!"

You give her a thumbs up and a woozy smile, drool still flowing heavily down your front. How could you NOT want to come back again when such wonderful hugs were ample--in more ways than one--and the treats were infinite? Without any exaggeration, you've quickly become hooked on everything the slimy witch could offer.

With a packed lunch in hand, and a gemstone gifted to you by the witch--its amethyst colour reminiscent of her dazzling eyes--you finally set about heading out. Jilly fusses with you by the door like an overprotective mother. And you let her. Just because it's that adorable.

"Okay, you've got all your things, right? And your lunch? Good! Oh, and that stone--while super pretty, and will hopefully remind you of me whenever you look at it--it's really special, okay? It'll keep the swamp from playing mean tricks on you, so it should be a straight path back out. And of course, back in whenever you want to see me again. Which is hopefully soon, right? Not that I want to add any pressure or anything, but..."

She stops herself short and clutches a hand to her chest. Slimy tears bubble out of the corners of her eyes despite the brave smile she puts on.

"Sorry, heehee... But... Don't forget me, okay? I'd...I'd really like to see you again if I can!"

You assure her with a nod and a pat of her shoulder. Clutching the gemstone tight, you make a silent oath that you'll never forget this magnificent woman that took you in, in your time of need, and pampered you with such sugary--and bouncy--goodness.

And then you take off, into the swamp that suddenly doesn't seem as scary as it did before thanks to her gemstone.

"'Byeeeee! Have a safe journey, human!"

You wave back at Jilly as she bids you farewell from her doorstep. Both arms--and all of her tentacles wave frantically, the pair of you waving until the slimy woman's naught by a spec on the horizon.

It grows quiet. Suddenly there's nothing but the ambient noise of the bog around you as water bubbles, frogs croak and insects buzz.

It's...far more isolating and lonely than you remembered it being without that sweet, giggly laugh in your ears.

...Yeah. You've already decided--you'll be paying a visit to the great slime witch far sooner than even she might anticipate.

And who knows--maybe one day you might just decide to stay?



Anthony Docimo

thats a fantastic story. I'm glad the Narrator has a way to return to her ASAP. kudos.

Anthony Docimo

now my only question is this: what did Lucille do on her vacation from the shack and swamp? :D


Thank you very much~ It was a lot of fun to write and a bit of a cute break from the typically lewder stuff as of late, haha


She used it to hunt down a specific doll and bring her back home. She doesn't care if said doll was waging a war