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With shaky, sweat-laden hands, you make a mental checklist of everything laid out before you one more time--just to make sure it's right.

Having pushed all of the furniture in your cramped little apartment to the sides to clear as much space as possible, the arcane circle you've painstakingly drawn with salt stands out in sharp contrast to the otherwise dreary carpet. A five-pointed star sits within the circle, with one final segment within that star serving as the central point. To the best of your knowledge...and the guide you have clutched in a hand so sweaty the ink has begun to run off the page from how wet it's gotten...this is exactly how it should be. Because the internet would never lie when it comes to occult matters such as these, right?

A candle has been placed and lit at each of the star's five points, with one final candle--the largest--placed within the center. The amber flames provide the sole source of light within the room, with the curtains shut to keep even the moonlight out, along with any unnatural sources of illumination. Admittedly the way the shadows seem to dance and twist in time with the flickering embers is a little unsettling...but isn't this exactly the kind of atmosphere one would want for such an otherworldly undertaking? Gulping hard, you push down your nerves and continue on. A quick glance at your phone reveals it's almost time.

It has to be...exactly at midnight--right when one day ends and other begins. That twilight between the two. The most magical moment there is. At least...as far as the internet has convinced you. And again, they wouldn't lie, right?

In addition, while you're no astrologist, you're also led to believe that the stars are perfectly aligned, meaning that if it doesn't happen tonight...well, you might not get another chance to try for at least another month, if not more. So there's no backing out now. It has to happen. Nothing's going to stop you.

Casting the sweaty, crumpled heap of paper aside, you tighten your grasp on the knife in your other hand. A brand new blade you'd bought purely for this one moment in time. One that's sure to slice through flesh with ease. The thought of...doing what you're about to do...admittedly makes you queasy, and causes the faintest seed of doubt to sprout at the back of your mind...but you're quick to shake such weak-willed thoughts aside. Would you really let fear of a little get in the way of what you hope to achieve tonight?

No more will you be looked down upon. No more will you be weak and pushed around. No more will you be...lonely.

Yes--stepping forth into the center of the circle as the hour finally approaches...you steel yourself in preparation to summon the one thing that will finally make a difference in your life.

57...58..59... You watch the seconds tick up on your phone, both anxiously and excitedly...and then it finally strikes midnight.

It's time.

A subtle shift in the air guides your motions as the once idle flames burning around you seem to blaze just a touch brighter. You cast your phone aside and bring up your hand. And then...with the knife grasped firmly--if not a little shakily--in your other, you slice it across your palm in one swift motion. You wince from the slight sting it brings...and for a moment, you wonder if you hadn't cut deep enough after all...but then from that red line slashed in your palm, a stream of crimson bubbles forth. Fighting back the wooziness threatening to throw you off balance, you hold your cut hand out, palm down, letting the blood splatter down into the center of the circle.

From there, you chant out the incantation. One you've memorised a thousand times over ever since reading it on the internet all those days ago. Each word escapes your lips with perfect clarity--as though the words are being pulled directly out of your mouth. Your voice seems to echo off of the sparse walls of your abode.

The flames burn brighter, and brighter still in response to your arcane intonations, to the point the entire room is bathed in an unnatural amber glow. The blood you spilled against the circle gains a life of its own, streaming out and following the shape of both the star and the circle as white and red merge into one.

Any fear you may have felt beforehand has truly dissipated, with pure, burning excitement in its place. Against all odds...it...it's really working...! For once, the internet came through!

You keep chanting the words, over and over. You keep the blood flowing--to the point the circle is completely red now.

Soon...very soon now, something will answer your desperate call. Something will cross over from the other side. You just know it. Over and over, you envision the object of your desires.

Lonely days will be a thing of the past. No longer will you be powerless against the injustices committed against you on a near daily basis. The surge in power in the air takes on an almost tangible form as it crackles and warps around you. It's almost intoxicating. So this is what demonic magic was like...? You can hardly imagine a life without it now as it fuels your desires and pushes you to complete the summoning.

And then without warning--mid chant--there's an abrupt change in the air. An icy wind sweeps in, chilling you to the bone. The candles that had been burning so brightly until now with their vibrant, amber flames suddenly shift to a deep blue, bathing the entire room in an ethereal glow. The blood dripping from your palm ices over.

Your breaths escape you in sparkling puffs of mist as you try to adapt to the drastic shift in temperature. Is this right...? You can't recall the guides ever mentioning something like THIS would happen, but...

Resisting the urge to shiver, you continue to chant, albeit with a far shakier voice now as your teeth chatter. With every word you're able to force out amid puffs of condensation, it only seems to get colder. And colder still, to the point you genuinely wonder if you might freeze to death. But you've come this far... It'd be insane to back out now...especially when it seems to be working so well!

...You finish one final round of chanting and fall still as something...someone...answers your desperate pleas at long last. The voice is too muffled to make out what they're saying...but instinctually, you know they're reaching out to you...from the other side. With a mental thought, you  answer them.

All at once, the icy blue candles roar with renewed power. Pulsing in time to a rhythm not unlike a heartbeat, the magic circle 'drinks' in the blood offered to it, absorbing more of the crimson soaked deep into with each pulse until naught is left but the salt again. All the while, this ominous heartbeat echoes in your ears.

The offering fully consumed--and accepted--the circle itself follows suit with the candles and begins to glow an otherworldly blue. Sensing that something is about to appear within the circle, you leap to the side, quick to scramble to your knees as you watch on in awe.

The ever present heartbeat that thumps in time with the circle gets faster...and faster...the blue lights get so bright you're forced to bring a hand up to yours eyes to shade them. And with final thump that echoes throughout the room...something arrives.

A large, icy crystal juts up out of the circle with a blast of swirling, sparkling mist. Within the crystal you spy a slender silhouette, their features veiled by just how thick and opaque the ice is. All the same, your heart skips a beat. You...you really managed to summon one...

Before you can even think of approaching this mass of ice, you jump back as it begins to crack. At first, it starts with just a few hairline cracks spidering out here and there...but they rapidly build, the cracking noise dominating the room as small shards break off from the crystal one by one.

Finally, the crystal explodes outwards like a hailstorm, peppering the room in tiny, jagged shards of ice. The presence within, now freed, stretches out under a veil of mist. Lowering your arm once more and shaking your sleeve free of ice, you gaze at the figure in awe. Even through the mist, you can make out every little detail about them now.

Their slender, yet petite figure with decidedly feminine curves in all the right places. The horns jutting from their head. The bat-like wings unfurling from behind them and flapping idly as they seem to float in place, bare feet hoisted up and hovering as if sitting in the air. And finally...the pointed tail that seemed to writhe of its own accord.

There's no mistaking it--even with the admittedly odd, chilly circumstances around this particular summoning--you've managed to summon a true demon! A...a succubus at that!

"Ah... Who has summoned me...?" the petite succubus asks, her voice as cold as the mist still enshrouding her perfectly crafted figure. In spite of the delicate, polite nature of how she speaks, there's a certain otherworldly echo to it all that both chills you to the bone and gets the blood pumping down below all the same. Is this what it means to converse with a succubus...?

Swallowing hard, you attempt to respond, but words fail you. It's as though there's ice packed deep down in your throat no matter how hard you try to dislodge it. Your legs are shaking. All you can do is croak out a few astonished noises. In spite of her size, the power she radiates from that petite figure is overwhelming--as though there's a constant pressure weighing down on you.

As you fail to respond in time, you sense her gaze shift onto you. Even through the veil of the mist, you can feel her frigid eyes soaking in every detail of your shivering form. And the more she continues to look your way, the colder you become.

"You are...my master, yes...?"

'Master...' A simple word--yet one that carries so much weight and power. That's right. You have nothing to fear in this situation, do you? You summoned her after all. She's yours. And as long as the internet didn't lie--heaven forbid--by simply summoning her here, she's now bound by your blood. Bound by your will. This knowledge eases some of the anxiety coursing through your veins as you're finally able to nod her way--even if you still can't quite muster up any words in her presence.

There's a moment of silence before she finally speaks up again. All the while, you fight the urge to shiver some more. The entirety of your apartment both feels--and looks--like one big walk-in freezer now.  "I see. One moment..."

With one purposeful flap of her large wings, the succubus clears the mist around in a blast of frigid wind. You watch on with rising anticipation and excitement at finally being able to behold her form, free of any obfuscation.

Sure enough, her slender figure is every bit as jaw-dropping as you imagined it'd be through the frigid veil. Wearing very little, true to her nature as a demon of desire, an enticingly icy beauty hovers before your widened eyes.

Pale skin devoid of imperfections, covered by little more than a few strategically placed shards of ice that cling to her petite figure in the form of crystalline lingerie and accessories, you find yourself overcome with an overwhelming sense of desire the more you take in her form. The most prominent accessory of ice sits upon her face in the form of a mask, veiling her eyes from view...while also serving to compliment the glossy blue lips just below.

But...something...is...odd about her. Something that took an alarming amount of time to realise as you instead drooled over her petite, yet perfect curves for a good long while.

Namely... Joints. Everybody has joints, or they wouldn't be able to move their limbs, yes...but...this particular demon's joints were in fact quite visible. Just like a...doll's. Articulated to an incredible lifelike degree, they seem to allow her to bend and flex her limbs just as easily as any human.

Huh. The internet hadn't mentioned anything about this. You'd need to consult some websites once you had a free moment.

It doesn't take away from her icy, otherworldly beauty in any way--and you still feel yourself overwhelmed with desire all the same, but...at least a small part of you can't help but wonder if this is really how it was supposed to be. Or what else could have been summoned.

"I sense...deep confusion," the apparent succubus says with a tilt of her head, still drifting idly in place. "Am I...perhaps not what you were expecting?"

Well... You feel it would be rude to just outright say that, but--

"I see. So that is case."

You give something of a start. Did she just read your mind?! Is this more unholy magic at work?!

"...This should not come as a surprise, master. It is as you surmised earlier--we are bound together by the blood of which you summoned me. Which in turn binds me to your will. In other words--I am now yours to do with as you please."

Your cheeks are quick to ignite--both at the realisation she's able to read such depraved thoughts of yours that you'd never dare to speak aloud...and also at being called 'master' again, along with the promise that she'll really do...anything...you ask... Something stirs within you. Something that has been stirring every since you'd laid eyes on her scantily-clad figure.

The icy succubus' head tilts to the other side, her snowy white hair flopping along with her. She draws a finger up to her plump, luscious blue lips.

"You purposely summon a creature who is the embodiment of sin with decidedly lustful intentions, yet are embarrassed by the notion that they may be able to read said lustful thoughts within your head? How curious..."

Your face burns so brightly that it counter-acts against the frigid chill so heavy in the room and creates a steady stream of condensation billowing from your cheeks. To have someone with such an...intimate look...into your head. It hardly seems fair!

"However, to clear up any confusion..." The doll-like succubus shifts from her hovering state and plants both of her bare feet upon the ground. She takes a few steps towards you, your heart-rate accelerating the closer her scantily-clad form gets. "Out of all of the summoning rituals... Summoning a demon of lust--or a 'succubus' as we are colloquially known as...is perhaps the most personal one."

She arrives just before you with one last step, tilting her head meet your eyes through that mysterious mask adorning her face. In terms of overall stature, her head just barely reaches halfway up your torso--though the horns and wings do a lot to make her feel imposing in spite of her shorter height.

"When you summon a demon with your desires fuelling the process...a demon that best matches your personal preferences is sent in response. Does that make sense?" She punctuates the end of her sentence with another head tilt. It's honestly...sort of cute how it seems to work so well along with generally emotionless inflection.

And...it makes some degree of sense, sure...but the succubus you envisioned in your head was so much more...well...busty!

The icy succubus glances down at her decidedly lacking chest in response to your...thoughts. Something you'll perhaps never get used to. "Ah. Is that so...?" She reaches down to cup each small breast within her dainty, jointed fingers. In spite of her doll-like appearance, her chest appears to be just as soft as any human woman's--the petite curves shaping ever so slightly in her grasp with all the right amount of suppleness and give. They even jiggle ever so slightly as she draws her hands back. You gawk at the display, pants tightening to an uncomfortable degree.

The doll tilts her head back up at you. "Are you certain it is the more...well-endowed women that you prefer? As you seem quite satisfied with what you currently see." A snow white finger gestures towards the rather prominent bump against your pants. You'd make to cover it in shame...but what use is hiding your arousal from someone who is literally attuned to your mind?

"Indeed. That is wise. There is little use in attempting to obfuscate things from me, master. Honest is the best policy when it comes to demonkind."

...You'd be mad at her for continuing to blatantly converse with you through this mind-reading thing she's got going on...but it's fairly difficult when every time the word 'master' comes out of her plump, glossy lips, you find yourself brimming with excitement.

"Regardless of what you believe you may prefer, the body never lies. And...even without delving into the depths of your...very verbose mind...I can sense an overwhelming amount of lust directed at me--or my figure, to be more precise."

Gee... Did the raging erection give it away? Though, you can't help but wonder if the otherworldly aura she exudes has a part to play in exciting your body. Or...have you just always had a thing for those...less gifted in the chest department, and just never acted upon those impulses until now?

The succubus stands by patiently as you sort your thoughts out. All the while, you know every word you think is also being filtered through her. It's...rather unsettling to think about. Is this just how things are going to be?!

"At any rate..." Lightly kicking off of the ground, the doll hovers up until she's eye level with you. You give a start at the casual use of levitation--and of course, those plump, glossy lips of hers now so close to your own. "I imagine you did not summon me to have an in-depth debate as to your taste in breasts, yes?"

With a flap of her wings, she brings herself in close, to the point that tiny chest of hers is pressing right against you. With little more than two shards of ice serving as her brassiere, you feel almost the entirety of her softness shaping against your broader form. Her body exudes a faint chill in place of any warmth you may expect from a person. A chill that...isn't entirely unpleasant. You gulp at the strange, yet exciting sensation forcing itself against you, your pants on the verge of bursting now.

The doll extends a jointed hand out as she continues to press her lithe frame against you. She cups your cheek with a delicate touch--her fingers just as cold and soft as her bosom. You can't help but shudder all over. But it's not one of discomfort, rather, it's one of sheer delight. With but one simple gesture, she already has you under her spell; completely and utterly enraptured.

"You summoned me because you have desires you wish to act upon. That much cannot be debated."

You nod mechanically as she continues on, her voice having dropped to a faint, whispery, almost sensual tone that only serves to further stir the raging desire brewing inside you.

"And I..." Her fingers trace yet more spine-tingling lines down your cheek as she reaches your chin. She lets out a breathy sigh against you as sparkling mist escapes her lips. "I must follow my master's every whim and desire. Without question. That is also another fact that cannot be debated."

Keeping a hold of your chin and bringing her face in closer--and closer still, to the point those luscious lips of hers are practically grazing your face, you find yourself unable to tear your gaze away from her. Even if her eyes are hidden away behind her icy mask, you can still sense such an intense...passionate gaze beyond. One truly worthy of a succubus in spite of her otherwise indifferent demeanour. You're bewitched. Transfixed. Unable to do anything else but stand there with arms limp at your sides as the doll continues on. But...isn't this what you wanted...?

"Indeed..." she says, her voice practically a silent breath at this point, her every word tickling your face. "As one attuned to your desires...I can confirm that this is what you crave the most, master. Allow me to...mmfff...indulge in your fantasies."

At that, she closes what little distance there is between your faces and plants those plump, glossy lips of hers against you in a tender kiss. You jolt immediately from the sensation, rocking against her with a muffled moan. Soft...cold...ever so slightly moist, her lips are everything you'd hoped for and more, just the slightest bit of contact with them enough to have you reeling. And the longer you remain connected to her luscious lips, the more light-headed you become. Ecstasy bubbles up and builds within you. Never had you imagined something as simple as a kiss could provide so much pleasure. Succubi...were truly amazing!

But she doesn't stop there--even IF you were sure you could have died happy from this single, enrapturing kiss alone--the doll presses on. Wrapping both slender arms around you and rubbing her petite figure against your chest in ways that only serve to stimulate you further, she deepens the kiss. What started as a simple smooch on the lips becomes far more ravenous as she pries your lips apart with ease and lets her tongue delve deep inside.


Unusually erotic noises unfitting of the doll's icy, stoic demeanour escape her amid the lurid slurping of her tongue and smacking of her lips. Just like every other part of her, her tongue is cold--but not uncomfortably so. It's as though she's able to regulate her temperature just enough to not be too overwhelming for whomever she's with. At least...that strange thought enters your head unprompted amid this increasingly sloppy kiss. Is it possible that just like she's attuned to your mind, you're slowly becoming attuned to hers, as well...?

Such stray thoughts are quickly pushed aside the more passionate the kiss becomes. Hot versus cold--your tongues entwine in a dance of lust as you both moan into one another's mouths. You hardly even register the wall you're pushed up against as you lose yourself in the doll's incredible kissing techniques.

The way her tongue curls and flickers with such control... The manner in which her lips remain fixed to yours at all times, even as you buck and shudder against her uncontrollably... These were all the signs of someone with not just years...but hundreds...or even thousands of  years of experience in the art of love.

As you melt against her mouth and slide partially down the wall with a dreamy sigh, you realise that this is...everything you'd ever hoped it'd be. Perhaps those far more busty demons you thought you'd wanted wouldn't have cut it after all, if they lacked in the kissing department?

Because when you set about summoning a demon to sate your desires... It wasn't just the carnal ones you sought to fulfill. But rather--you longed for someone who could truly make you feel loved. Someone who would be the perfect companion for you. And from the way this doll was so passionately ravishing your mouth with so much care and dedication as to your whims and desires...you feel content that she was the right choice after all. And hey--there's nothing wrong with a flat chest!

Breaking the kiss after what feels like an eternity of melding with her tongue in a blissful union of icy saliva, the doll exhales out a misty breath as she tilts her head at you. A good amount of your spit lies caked across her wonderful lips now.

"Ahh..." she begins, her lithe shoulders heaving amid an intensely passionate gasp for air, "I sense that the kissing has met your expectations, master... However..." Still clutching your body, arms wrapped around--and now even her shapely legs, too, she slides down ever so slightly until her hips bump up against your engorged crotch. You let out a groan from the sensation, only just now realising how hard things are down there. "If I am...hahh...to truly sate your desires, master...it appears my job has only just begun..."

You nod without a second thought, matching her heavy breathing with ragged panting of your own. Makes sense. As wonderful as kissing is...it's...only a prelude to far...hotter...and heavier things, isn't it? As the doll grinds her hips against you some more, you shudder in her frigid embrace. Something akin to a whine escapes your lips, begging for more of her.

"If that is what my master desires..." the doll whispers before unsnaking a hand from around your torso. She snaps a jointed finger, the sound echoing out deep across your frosted apartment. And before you know it, you're completely naked, your clothes devoured by icy blue flames that seem harmless to your bare skin. You gawk at the display before looking back at the doll. Was that really necessary...? You could have just as quickly removed them!

"...It seemed far more efficient to me," the doll simply says, tilting her head as she brings her arm back in around you. Now completely devoid of clothing, you find yourself shuddering all over again as she pushes her soft, artificial body against your bare chest. "Do not worry, I can restore your clothes when we are done."

...So enamoured with her rubbing against you now, you don't even care what happens to your clothing. Maybe you'll never need clothes again now you have a demon like her to sate your every desire!

"A dangerous line of thinking, master, if you wish to continue to live a healthy life...but...ah...!" She trails off from her idle musing as your clear arousal, now unrestrained from any and all bindings bumps up against her stomach. From the way she's clinging to you, the pulsating representation of your carnal desires stands tall, squashed between the pair of you as it grinds along her perfectly flat midriff. But...seeing it in comparison to her petite stature, it seems almost comically large when you pair the veiny mass of it against her delicate frame. Would this really be okay...?

"Do not worry. I assure you--I can take it. I am...ahh...a demon of lust and desire, after all... There is no...problem...too big for me to solve."

...And 'solve it', she does. What ensues is a night of passion, lust and mind melting ecstasy as you hit your peak within the succubus doll time and time again, to degrees thought inhumanly impossible at that. A large portion of these eruptions began right where they started, with you pressed against the wall, the doll in your arms as she rides you with far more fervour and energy than you may have expected from one who's outwardly so cool and collected.

After the fifth time your mind fades to white and you give her everything you have to offer, you begin to lose track of just how many times she indulged in your whims that night. What follows is a hazy recollection of both hot and cold--and incredibly sweaty--interactions that have you moaning out deliriously, steadily becoming more and more addicted to what a succubus has to offer every time you burst inside her.

It began up against the wall. Then at some point transitioned to the floor once you no longer had the energy to stand. At some point, the doll then transferred you to your bed. But once you reached the bed, the mattress didn't stop squeaking for a good long time. And while most of the work was done with the doll's incredible and durable hips, she also demonstrated just how versatile she was as a being of lust.

Caressed to submission by her dainty hands... Slurped and suckled to a messy explosion in her mouth... At one point she even demonstrated how skillful she was with her tail as it coiled and pumped with all the dexterity of a human hand.

By the end, you're left panting in bed, soaked to the sheets with a thick sheen of sweat and drained of so much of your essence you fear it might be DAYS before you can walk again. And yet...in spite of this...you can't help but smile. Content. Satisfied. Fulfilled.

All thanks to the snowy haired beauty lounging to the side of you, her wings tucked in as to avoid taking up too much of the bed. You imagined that because of her demonic nature, such intense exertion would be nothing for her...but just like you, her dainty little chest is also rising and falling amid intense gasps for air. Just...without any of the sweat. Instead, she lets out far more mist than before as the remnants of what feels like a hundred explosions of yours cling to her porcelain frame. And her hair. And especially her face. But even WITH all of this lurid fluid dripping from her, she's still never looked more beautiful in your eyes.

Sensing your gaze upon her--or maybe just reading all of the thoughts you had up to this point--the doll tilts her head at you, her eyes unreadable beyond the mask, but you can sense fondness radiating from her expression all the same.

"We shall...hahh...do the same again tomorrow, yes?"

...It is possible your lifespan will be shortened by at least three quarters so long as you remain with this doll...but somehow...that doesn't seem like a bad thing.

The following days with your new icy companion are lived out in sheer, enrapturing bliss.

By day, she acts as your girlfriend, hiding her horns, wings and tail away with convenient magic while veiling her joints and icy mask with a loose-fitting hoodie. It's here the pair of you engage in far more normal 'couple' things, going on dates, shopping trips, and just generally enjoying the simple things in life in one another's arms.

By night, she lives to serve your every carnal whim, casting her disguise aside and embracing her true succubus nature, often riding you senseless multiple times in a night before cuddling back up against you. After the rather...extreme...encounter on the first night, the pair of you have learned to indulge within moderation, if only for your natural lifespan's sake.

What started as a desperate attempt to cure your loneliness has blossomed into something far more fulfilling than you ever could have imagined, and now, you couldn't imagine life without your icy companion who will remain eternally faithful to you as per the bond you both share--of which nothing can break.

In fact, so fulfilling was this new life, that more than once did you wonder just what life might be like with TWO succubi at your side...but suspiciously, as these thoughts started to crop up in your mind, all of the salt in the apartment would go missing. Weird.




That was fun. The ending is very cute.


Thank you for the kind words~ It was a lot of fun to write and a bit different from the usual short stories for sure. And yeah, haha, I thought it'd be nice to end on a cute note like that after all the hot and heavy stuff and leave things open for future misadventures!


Is it me or are those stories get lewder and lewder with each new one, next time we might get actual lewd! owo


this'll be the extent of how far I go with the stories, otherwise they end up way too long, haha. Next one will be cuter again; I just felt it was appropriate that a succubus story was a bit steamier than usual, haha.