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Your date with Marine is going well.

...As far as you can tell at least.

It's hard to deny that it came as a huge surprise to you that someone like Marine--the lead singer of an up and coming punk band that was breaking new ground in recent years--would ever ask someone like you to go out with her. Especially considering that up until now you were but a mere admirer of hers in the crowd of her latest concert. But the mischievous minx of a mermaid insisted that you'd caught her eye and wasn't going to take no for an answer. Not that you were ever capable of saying no to someone as gorgeous as her to begin with. From the moment you locked eyes with those dazzling sapphire hues of hers, you were spellbound; utterly captivated. Old fairytales often said that a mermaid's song was capable of luring a man in, and you're beginning to wonder if this still held true, even for Marine's far screechier punk rock vocals. You did often find yourself in a trance even just listening to her albums, after all, sometimes only able to think of Marine and Marine alone...

In other words, this entire scenario was like a dream come true--to the point even now you worry that you're going to jolt awake in your bed and find that this entire, fun-filled day has been nothing but a cruel fantasy in your head.

So far, though, no such harsh reality has reared its ugly head--so you truly hope that this day can go on. Maybe even forever.

Given your lack of experience with dating mermaids of all people, you hadn't the faintest idea of where to take her--and your mind instantly wandered to the beach, for obvious reasons...but Marine insisted it HAD to be the mall. You had several questions of how a mermaid--a species notable for their lack of legs and general inability to easily get around on land--would even navigate such an establishment, but such questions were quickly answered when you met her on the promised day.

Sitting upright on a wheelchair and full of energy--fishtail waggling up a storm--she greeted you with a blinding grin and a friendly wave, her boisterous voice booming out from halfway across the mall before you reached her. Apparently a band mate had wheeled her in ahead of time at her insistence and left her to it before you arrived. Despite typically being self-conscious, the curious stares from the onlookers barely even registered in your vision with the crowds seeming to fade and part the closer you got to Marine. Nothing else mattered in the world now except for the buxom, beautiful mermaid before you.

From there--with you pushing Marine along in her wheelchair--the pair of you enjoyed a casual date as you explored all of the wonders the mall had to offer. The energetic mermaid's eyes sparkled with wonder and awe as you passed by stores. She took a frightening amount of glee in some of the arcade attractions--especially the lightgun games, with that plastic gun being held in her delicate hands almost a little TOO comfortably. She also enjoyed just how flustered you got when you passed by a swimwear store and she put the image in your head of her in an INCREDIBLY skimpy bikini. You became so distracted the pair of you almost went toppling straight down an escalator, much to her childish glee.

Hours passed. The pair of you slowly got to know one another as you exchanged anecdotes from your life. Marine soon became something more than an incredibly buxom singer that you idolised so much. Idolisation gave way to true, lasting affection--and from the way she stole glances at you and flashed you that devious grin now and then...you were hoping she felt the same way.

Which...finally brings us to the present time. Dinner. The most crucial part of the date. You wanted to take her to somewhere far fancier to really leave a real impression, but the moment Marine caught sight of the giant plastic burger that adorned a sign of a local fast food joint, she refused to eat anywhere else. Evidently, Marine really does like her meat.

You sit across from her with a modest spread of the burger restaurant's finest in cuisine between you on the table. You find it genuinely impressive just how wide she's able to open her mouth between bites of the enormous burger she saw fit to order for herself. Each time you takes a chomp of her meal, you find yourself fixating on the way her glossy lips shape around the meat. How her slender throat undulates with each greedy gulp. Even the joyous noises she's making in the midst of devouring her meal sound strangely erotic to you. Is she putting on a private show just for you--or are you seeing her in a far different light now that the pair of you have grown closer so quickly?

That's not even mentioning the copious amounts of sauce that have dripped down her front, emphasising her ample amount of cleavage with an enticing sheen. If you were perhaps just a touch bolder, you may have even asked for permission to just delve between those mountainous peaks of hers and lick the mess right up.

"Hmm? What's the matter--not hungry~?"

You're roused out of your sensual fantasies by a cheerful voice. Blinking back to reality, it takes you a moment to realise it's Marine. Having devoured almost all of her burger now, she's looking right at you with a curious glimmer in those spellbinding hues of hers. She tilts her head to one side and her exposed shoulders shake with a suppressed snicker. You look at the chicken nugget in your grasp that's no doubt been hovering before your mouth--lips parted in awe--for quite some time now. It seems ever since you started watching her little show, you've neglected to eat entirely... Shaking your head and letting out a croaky, flustered noise you shove the nugget into your mouth and begin to chomp down. Marine finally breaks out into a melodious giggle.

"Ahaha~ You really are a funny one, you know that?" Laughter gives way to fondness in her voice as the giggling dies down. Your heart skips a beat in the face of the genuine, heartfelt expression levered your way, that you know is for your eyes and your eyes alone--a private side of the mischievous minx, who the rest of the world has only seen the one, flashier side of. That thought only makes you feel truly special and lucky.

Said bewitching mermaid takes several more chomps out of her burger before washing it down with a handful of fries. She's left dabbing her greasy digits against her tongue as she savours her meal. It's at this point, you're certain that she really IS putting on a private show for you, given how...intimately...she begins to suck on her finger. Those luscious, full lips of hers remain wrapped around the dainty digit for quite some time, sliding up and down with slow bobs of her head. It could just be your imagination, but you're sure a few moans even slip out here and there. Her finger well and truly cleaned, she lets it pop from her mouth with a stringy helping of drool still keeping her finger and lips connected. Evidently, she's REALLY enjoying her meal.

"Enjoying yourself there?" she finally says with heavily lidded look thrown your way, her voice just as sultry. You're unable to stop yourself from nodding, which in turn prompts her to burst out laughing again. She quite literally clutches at her sides as her entire body shakes--and far softer parts of her jiggle--from how hard she's laughing. Eventually, she straightens back up, wipes a tear from the corner of her eye and grins at you. "Ahh... I like how honest you are! It's refreshing, y'know? Especially when I have to deal with so many fakes in this industry--people who get dollar signs in their eyes when they see me and my music."

A sudden sombreness reigns over her at the mention of the industry as she sets what's left of her burger aside. Complex thoughts race by in her wavering gaze before she eventually shakes her head and smiles again--albeit a far smaller one than before. "But don't mind me. I'm here to get AWAY from all of that. If even for a day. Thanks again for agreeing to all of this, even as crazy and sudden as it was. I was a bit nervous at first...but it all worked out!"

SHE was nervous?! What did that make you, then?! With a wave of your hand, you assure her it's no problem, and that you were happy to go out with her. The word 'date' hadn't really been uttered aloud by either of you, as if just uttering it was going to jinx the whole outing...but that's what this was, right?

Marine's smile broadens. She leans in over the table, letting her ample bust rest against the surface. You try not to pay too much attention to how much those soft, pillowy mounds of hers shape against the surface.

"So what do you want to do after this, huh?" Her gaze wanders and she idly walks her fingers against the table. "It's getting pretty late... Maybe we should go back to my hotel room? I bet you've never done it with a mermaid before, huh?"

You just about choke on the fry you were chewing on. It takes several restaurant employees hurrying up behind you and slapping your back just to dislodge the food from your throat. Marine laughs gleefully all the while.

...Yup. Your date with Marine really is going well. Perhaps a little TOO well.




I am also with Platinum on this! More, please! =D


Does Marine sing a cover of "Man Eater"?