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Heya, everyone~ Happy 2023, again! I wanted to kick the year off with this month's bonus art, and of course, being that we've now entered into the year of the rabbit, it could only be one thing!

Those familiar with older bonus art may recognise this bunny girl from a previous easter piece, where she was specifically created for that, and while she still doesn't have a name, I wanted to bring her back for this, since I really do love her design. <3 Maybe in a future game she can be given a proper role, if enough people wanted to see her!

Anyways, I wanted a traditional Japanese style new year feeling for this piece, with a shrine, and of course, even Ren found her way into the background, as she often does. Getting an early start this year by being one of my obvious favourites and being crammed into every bit of bonus art, haha. I wonder what sorts of new year wishes she's making at the shrine? Good health for all? World peace? More booze on tap at the inn? Maybe all of the above and more!

I also wanted to gush a little more about our lovely bunny girl and just how gorgeous she ended up here, swapping out her casino bunnygirl look for something a little more elegant, but still so alluring, ahhh. The artist even found a way to incorporate her previous heart eyes in a less lewd manner, and somehow make them feel natural in a charming way, which is quite the feat, I think.

The only question now is that since she's appeared here, who on earth is going to be left for Easter?! I wonder~

Until next time! I want to have a dev log up tomorrow, but will hold off posting it today to avoid spamming things, but it's gonna be a big one! Thanks for your love, support and patience as always. <3




There's something very suggestive about whatever it is that she's eating here! 😄


have a Hoppy January!