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Hi there! Happy November~

To start with, I want to apologise for the delay with the dev log. It IS forthcoming, and I have lots I want to write about, but at the start of November my internet decided to die on me. Needless to say I've been chasing people left and right and getting a bunch of conflicting answers on when it'll be fixed and it's been a wild ride, haha. Even now as I write this post I'm on a super dodgy tethered connection that has made sending out rewards a pain--but I didn't want to delay those! So hopefully they arrive okay for everyone.

BUT--things should HOPEFULLY be fixed tomorrow, and then we can resume things as normal. And if not, I'm going to dial up hood-chan and see if I can arrange for some zombies to be set upon a very unreliable broadband company. ╚(•⌂•)╝

Vendettas aside--as per usual, I've sent out the following rewards for all those eligible this month:

$10 tier - Quest Failed: Chapter One (Version 1.1)
$15 tier - Full Resolution Bonus Art (A triple Halloween threat with three gorgeously rendered full wallpaper sized pieces!)
$25 tier - Quest Failed: Chapter Two Alpha (0.14)

If you feel you were owed something but have yet to receive it, please reach out and I'll try to fix things. Just, uh, bear with me right now, okay. I'm not the most connected to things and life without proper internet has been pain. ;~; You never know what you have until it's gone, really!

Hopefully everything goes back to normal tomorrow though.

Until then!


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