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Heya there, everyone! Good morning, good evening, or good whatever-the-heck time it is right now--because I sure as heck don't know anymore after staying up almost an entire day doing the final checks on this thing. 🥴

As the title states--alpha 0.14 is now released, and will be in the usual folder for all of those on the tier, past and present dating back as far as June/July of last year I believe as my way of trying to make things right for this mess. Simply navigate to the most recent folder you have if you were an alpha tier subscriber in that time period and you should see the alpha 0.14 folder waiting for you!

I really can't state enough how sorry I am that things escaped me again with this build after swearing it wouldn't become a habit with these lengthy periods of time between each build and have felt just awful that this took far longer than it should have. I honestly don't know what happened--as it's not like this is a mega build like 0.13 was, either. Things just got away from me, and I struggled quite a bit in certain areas of the more plot-heavy aspects and before I knew it it's already August, creeping up on September. ;~;

I think the larger this project gets, and the more elaborate some scenes become, I just end up feeling overwhelmed at times--but I'm powering through it as best I can, and will analyze where to go from here in the return of the dev logs next month, whoo!

Anyways, as I say--this alpha build isn't the largest, but still has some pretty important story stuff, along with a h-scene that's a personal favourite of mine! It sets the scene for some pretty important stuff too and I'm excited for what's to come!

To summarise everything that's been added though:

- Two brand new h-scenes. Both of which are fully voiced right from the get-go, with both having considerably high line counts too by the usual standards!

- Two new CG scenes that aren't fully h-scenes, but are still pretty fanservicey in their own right. Both of which are voiced as well, with one of them having a fair few lines considering it's not even a h-scene!

- A smaller event with a character that has its own cute little chibi graphics and develops their character a bit more in preparation for the end of their arc. I had fun with this one!

- An expansion to the main scenario, capping off the last half of the day that it was left on something of a cliffhanger before. Depending on if you were nice to a certain somebody or not, this can lead to quite a lot of new dialogue to be seen with some much needed one-on-one time with this person. These story segments also have some little CG scenes, too, that aren't h-related but still nice.

- Hundreds of voice lines added to some older h-scenes that didn't have them previously. Regrettably I haven't been able to add voice lines to the main story stuff as I'm still waiting for when some VAs are free, as I have bits and pieces of the main story lines, but want to add it all in one fell swoop so it doesn't feel disjointed. I'll be keeping on top of this as best I can though and will work with the VA's schedules! I'm happy to say that the duo h-scene from the last build is now fully voiced though which was a lot of voicework back and forth between two characters and I love how it turned out--it really does give a fun new incentive to revisit that scene!

- Audio mixing is a bit awkward in places, but I've started to make attempts at bringing the music levels WAY down but you may still need to tweak it in some cases. My main goal will be to only adjust the voice lines after everything is added, so I can set them all to the same volume, but please bear with me until then!

As per usual, do NOT use old saves. Start fresh. As you will run into a crash at a certain point if you attempt to go with the old ones, as new variables have been added. Apologies for the hassle!

I've also done my best to ensure that there's no awkward bugs or crashes, but there's a chance I may have overlooked something in my current sleepy state--so if you run into any weird issues or hard crashes, let me know and I'll have a new build up as soon as I can and will be on standby for this stuff!

Thanks again for your immense patience and I really am sorry this took so long again. I'm going to explore how to move forward in a coming dev log so won't take up too much more of your time--but it's my hope that the next build will get to the end credits, so that I just have side events left to do!

Oh, yeah, and the new scene guide will follow shortly--but thankfully these ones are pretty simple to get! A local copy of it will be supplied in the folder for those not on the tier currently.

This will be the final build I backdate on the old folder before moving back to my usual schedule of moving to a new folder with each month so please keep that in mind!


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