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Hiya there, guys! I hope you're all doing well!

Wow, is it September already? Time sure flies, gosh!

Well, this is it. This is the month the first chapter will finally come out~ I thank you all for your patience, since I know it's been a bit of a bumpy road while I found my footing in this whole thing. Needless to say I've learned a lot about planning things out in this endeavor, and the second chapter's production will go a lot more smoothly. (And I'll be taking a lot of feedback and polls for what to add to the second chapter, since the first chapter was a bit more difficult to do that for given its half finished state at the conception of the Patreon.)

As I type this I have a bunch of things up relating to the first chapter as I go about implementing all of the final elements to the build. I don't want to jinx things by putting out an exact, solid date on when it'll all be done, just in case of any last, last, last minute hiccups, but things are looking good!

I really can't wait to share with you this wonderful first step in Matt's journey to become an adventurer and I hope you'll all have as much fun reading, and experiencing it, as I have creating it (along with my wonderful team of artists and VAs of course!)

Thanks again, I love you all~


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