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Hello! I live! I am alive! Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated! Etc., etc., etc.

But on a more serious note, hello there! I apologise for how quiet I was last month and hope I didn't give anyone reason to be concerned. I did intend to do a dev log towards the end of the month, and a comprehensive one at that, but as luck would have it, I've been suffering on and off from a bizarre kind of pain in my mouth that may or may not be an ulcer of some sort, so it's been making focusing on any kind of long form writing an enduring task. Between that and getting hyper-focused on Chapter Two's script with a particular h-scene, any time I found to write in a day just dwindled away. But, hey, progress on the game is good, right?

Anyways--I don't intend to turn this particular post into its own impromptu dev log. I'll post a proper one tomorrow if I can help it, and maybe showcase some of the new voiceacting, as I'm really happy with so many of the lines coming in lately!

For now, I just wanted to make my customary beginning of the month post to:

1) Let you all know I AM alive. Huzzah!
and 2) Inform you all of the rewards that were sent out!

Which, will be the following depending on the tier you're currently at:

$10 tier
- Quest Failed: Chapter One (Version 1.1)
$15 tier - High Resolution Bonus Art (Of the lovely easter Jillybunny~)
$25 tier - Quest Failed: Chapter Two Alpha (Version 0.13 - The most recent build as of December!)

As always, if you felt you were entitled to a specific reward but have yet to receive it, either due to an error on my end or late processing, please don't hesitate to reach out and I'll fix things as soon as I can!

I think that about wraps it up for this post--but I hope to have some cute little surprises throughout the month! As I've been experimenting and seeing what I can put out alongside the usual bonus art, and potential dev logs which have slowed the closer I get to finishing the game, as I fear I might end up utterly spoiling everything if I keep making super in-depth posts and showcasing all of the art. But you may or may not like what I have planned--and it'll be an experiment to see if I should do similar things in the coming months! Who knows how it'll be received? I think it's quite cute though~

Until next time!



Ok quick question, I just upgraded my tier to reach the $25 tier, is that too late to get the chapter 2?


Hiya there! As you've changed after the processing the phase for the month, this is indeed the case, I apologise!