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Hello! I'm happy to announce that alpha build 0.12 has now been officially released!

Sorry it took a few more days than I expected. Testing is becoming more and more of a laborious thing the larger the game becomes with all the moving parts that are constantly added. But I HOPE nothing will break when you lovely lot give it a test drive!

As promised before, anyone that had access to the alpha over the last couple of months (I think as far back as December)--even if you're on a lower tier now--should still be able to access this build. So just refer back to your alpha folder and you should see an updated build alongside the alpha 0.11 folder!

The new alpha includes the following:

- 4 new h-scenes, along with a CG scene that's quite steamy in its own right to the point I'd like to consider it a h-scene, too, even if nothing explicit is shown.

- Some small voice line additions to a couple of older scenes that needed them. (Where one or two characters may have had a voiceless line while another person was voiced, for example.)

- Small addition to the main storyline, with a fun tavern event and the continuation of a certain training regime.

- Misc. tweaks here and there to some event logic, to try and avoid some things starting earlier than they should.

As you can see, most of my effort this time around went into fleshing out some side h-scenes, rather than the main story. But the next build will focus heavily on the main story to try and compensate for this. Though I still apologise, as this probably doesn't seem too impressive given the months it took to do. Truthfully I wanted this out early December, where it would have been far more reasonable--but my focus on the Christmas stuff ended up taking away from that.

3 of the new CG scenes are fully voiced right out of the gate, with the other 2 pending to be voiced.

A scene guide for $25 backers will be quick to follow this post, as admittedly some of the scenes are a bit obscure this time around, and you'll probably need the guidance.
But for anyone that might be on the alpha, and not be able to access the scene guide as a result of being on a lower tier, please don't hesitate to PM me and I can give some more direct clues for these scenes! I'm trying to be vague as possible otherwise to avoid spoiling anything.

And as always, start fresh--because old saves WILL break at certain points due to new variables and checks that have been added.

Thanks again for your immense patience as always, and I hope to have a new dev log up in the coming days after a short break, where I'll detail what I plan to work on next!

And while I'm tried my best to ensure nothing breaks during your session, if by chance you come across a game-breaking bug, please let me know and I can put out a new build very fast!



I just checked this message again, I didn't see it was only for those who had access in December, for a moment I thought something was wrong. The only thing wrong is that I'm not in teir 3 currently...that should fix it


Ahh, yeah, I made it a full patron post just so those that might have pledged earlier for the alpha could see what had been added and such! Apologies for any confusion, haha.


Glad everything is going along smoothly. Or it look smooth from this side, at least. I'm sure there have been some keyboards pitched out windows at least once. Always seems to happen when developing games.


Yupyup! It can be turbulent at times--but I'm really happy with the progress made right now! Thank you for the support as always <3