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Hiya there, everyone!

Happy 2021! It's a brand new year--and hopefully this will be the year everything I've been cooking up finally comes together after plenty of blood, sweat and tears have been poured into it all. That includes both Chapter Two, of course--and numerous other little things I'd love to be able to show more of when the time is right.

I hope you've all had a wonderful New Year's Eve--and are looking forward to what will hopefully be an amazing new year of opportunities~

I will admit that my feverish rush to get out a bunch of Christmas special stuff (the new demo, and the Christmas video) did impact my progress on the new alpha build--but I intend to work overtime now in a brand new feverish rush to get that out this month. Apologies for that--I definitely dreamed a bit too big for this Christmas, wanting to make it as special as I could, and bit off more than I could chew perhaps. I'll do as I did before and carry over the same alpha link I sent out the last month to try and ensure everyone who was looking forward to it can still get a shot at it even if they're not actively pledging the alpha this month!

Also, for anyone who may have processed this month, and are perhaps new to the FrostWorks patreon--be aware that rewards will be sent out on the 3rd of the month, as I usually wait a few days just to ensure any people who process late get in on the wave of rewards to avoid repeat PMs being sent out!

So, assuming everything goes well--the following will be sent out on the 3rd of January for these tiers!
$10 tier - Quest Failed: Chapter One v 1.1
$15 tier - Full Resolution Bonus Art (Of the wonderful Christmas piece~)
$25 tier - Quest Failed: Chapter Two Alpha

If by chance the 3rd comes and goes--and you haven't received your promised reward, please don't hesitate to get in touch and I'll do my best to resolve things!

Thank you, and here's to an awesome new year~


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