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Hiya, everyone! I'm back with this week's development log! I hope the Christmas season is treating you all well and that you're all progressing smoothly with your shopping! I'm hoping to have a few Christmas treats lined up for everyone like usual, but as for how many I might be able to manage--I suppose we'll have to see! Let's hope for a true Christmas miracle, though and that I might be able to get out everything I have planned! I know it's going to be quite a challenge, though.

But Christmas treats aside--I suppose it's best to move on to the Chapter Two development side of things! I'm midway through wrapping up the last h-scene I want to include in this upcoming alpha build. And with any luck, it'll be one of the things I get to release this month, for what I hope is a jam-packed season of content for everyone!

Admittedly I've ran into some challenges the more h-scenes I write, trying to make them all feel unique from one another and not just like I'm going through the motions of someone jumping Matt, Matt crying, big climaxes, rinse, repeat. It's been quite the endeavor to make every h-scene stand out without feeling like it blurs together with another, but I think thanks to a combination of the wonderful voicework, and making sure that the h-scenes serve as a chance for characters to develop themselves alongside getting their fill of Matty, I've steadily been able to keep things from getting too stale. Even if it ends up requiring a lot of slamming my head against the keyboard until I've gotten a scene the way I like it.

As I've said before though, I understand this perfectionist mindset is terrible from a business perspective, and I'm really hoping to balance more between keeping up a steady writing pace and making sure I'm happy with the output. I hope you'll all agree that the extra work that has gone into the scenes is more than worth it too, and doesn't just feel like a generic sex scene with no sense of intimacy.

And, as a special treat for this dev log, I've included a fun little look at what might happen if you get close enough to a certain lamia! I'm sure I've teased this scene before--but in recent days it's undergone something of an upgrade, giving Lucille more suitably mature, teasing eyes--along with the addition of glasses. Because...for whatever reason, the original version of this scene didn't have glasses at all! I know, I know, unthinkable! Fortunately this has been rectified, and now she's regained both her sight, AND her sly eyes. Because it just wouldn't be Lucille without those wonderfully hypnotic eyes~

I'm also hoping that this scene doesn't evoke a certain other lamia's scene from a certain other game TOO much--because while I certainly wanted something like it in QF, I just fear the angle doesn't feel too similar. Either way, though, you can be sure that this will be something of a tight...sweaty encounter, as Lucille expresses her affection for young Matt in a way that only lamias can! So, Lucille fans rejoice--your dedication towards this old snake will surely be rewarded~ This scene won't quite be in the next alpha build, but I have more than enough notes for the scene ready to go when the time comes to finally implement it into the script.

I'll be spending the coming days powering away with the next alpha build and making what has been an incredibly difficult casting choice for a certain mysterious foe, too as I get ready to put her voice lines into the game. It's been super tough in that this character isn't really...'sexy' in the traditional way, and more just a brutal force of nature--so striking a balance between that and the more erotic noises that come from certain scenes has been quite the challenge. But I think I've maybe been able to find a good solution to that predicament and intend to forge ahead with it all.

As always, thanks for your immense support--and let's keep pushing towards the light that's finally in sight!

Until next time~




<3 Lucille!

Anthony Docimo

there can never be too many lamias. particularly never enough Lucille! thanks for the update heads up


Keen to actually play Ch.2 when it releases.


Apologies for the wait and thank you for your immense patience so far--I hope it'll have been more than worth the wait : P


Chapter 2 is gonna be a Lucile special I think with how much love she gets, haha


Just gonna add Lucille to the priority list, don't mind me


What “certain other game” are you referring to?