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Hello, everyone! Happy December~ It's that magical time of the year again! ...Again! With Christmas looming on the horizon. Are you all looking forward to it? Have you all done your shopping in advance? ...I know I haven't, ahhhh

Anyways--this is just a small post at the start of the month like always, just to explain the general process of how rewards work so nobody is left wondering or panicking as to why they haven't received anything yet!

Typically, due to some people processing a little late for a number of reasons, and as to not send repeat waves of PMs out, I send rewards out on the 3rd of each month. So, provided goes well, come Thursday, I'll be sending out:

- $10 tier (Quest Failed: Chapter One v 1.1 )
- $ 15 tier (Bonus art, featuring both Pirate Ren and Foxy Anna!)
- $ 25 tier (Quest Failed: Chapter Two - Alpha 0.11)

If by chance the 3rd comes and goes, and you have yet to receive your reward, please don't hesitate to reach out via PM, email, or comment here directly and I'll do everything I can to resolve your issue in a timely manner!

I'll have more details on the upcoming alpha build soon (which I've been waiting to more fully put some voiced scenes together, along with a couple of other parts so it doesn't feel too barren for a big update!) so look forward to that!

And look forward to fun Christmas art hopefully down the line, too, as it's almost like QF tradition at this point, huh?

Until next time~


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