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Hello! I hope you're all doing well and are set for a happy Easter weekend!

I realise this post is a bit out of the blue--though maybe I teased something about this before--but since I wrapped up the alpha build I had been meaning to dive into some things I had left unfinished and push them out there to try and make up for how quiet I've been these last few months with content posts! And well, this ambitious audio scene was one of those things!

It's been a little while since the last audio scene, huh? For my return to the audio content I wanted something a bit more ambitious that would really challenge me--and well, gosh, challenge me this scene did!

This scene has a focus on two characters who you most likely haven't seen yet (unless you play the alphas huhu)--a pair of bandits who are infamous for being able to wriggle out of the tightest of spots. What could possibly go wrong by putting a young, impressionable guard in charge of them for an hour?

Venus LeMay returns to voice Vanessa, the brattier of the two bandits, while Kitt--a newcomer to QF--voices Gwen, the ditzy, spacey bandit! And together I think they've done a fantastic job! There's even a small cameo from SilkyMilk as Cynthia, who opens and closes the scene, adding a little more context to the story!

As I say, this scene was a real challenge. And I think I'm not 100% happy with the audio mixing just yet, and will consider this a draft of sorts, and remaster it if I ever make a new audio adventures collection down the line. Since I'm aware there might be slight volume differences between the two bandits, and I'm not sure if the left/right split in the channels fully conveys what I was aiming for here. But regardless, I still really like how it turned out--and think the script for this was a lot of fun to write and see come together, with their mischievous nature and scheming antics.

Since there was two characters, I tried my best to layer things at times, so that one character could provide a running narrative of what was going on, so there was less guesswork. But I hope it's easy enough to follow along!

Oh yeah, I also experimented with some music and a couple of sound effects at places--but then faded that away when the actual 'scene' starts so to speak. Let me know if you like the added music, or if I should remove it in future scenes!

Also I really love the chibi art, especially of pouty Vanessa lol--just to hammer in that bratty nature.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this easter treat!

Until next time~




I love these audio scenes so much, amazing work!!!


Ooo!~ This was definitely quite a treat and had more to it than the audio scenes before it. Between this, the 0.10 alpha release and the Anna art piece April has been a great month for Quest Failed content! :D


Thank you--I'm super happy you liked it! And yeah, haha, I feel like I've had a lot of catching up to do due to how sloth-like I was in the last few months. Gotta make up for lost time!