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Heya everyone! I hope you're doing well!

I've already apologised far too much for how delayed this mythical build has been--so don't worry, I won't blubber too much here; I'll try to keep things short and sweet!

But yes, at long last, after getting over several mental hurdles that were impeding my path, as well as a lot of scripting work that was require for several more complex scenes, alpha build 0.10 is out! Whoooooo!

I've made this post a $1 and above one just in case there was anyone that may have been part of the $25 tier in earlier months and wished to know when it was out so they could their old folders from Februrary/March, because as promised I've went ahead and updated that one and backdated people who were owed this build.

This build adds:

- A revamped main menu, with a fancy options and save/load screen. They're super slick, so be sure to check them out!

- 2 new main h-scenes, one of which is fully voiced right from the get-go.

- A bunch of smaller CG scenes for random events, some of which have voice, too and are pretty steamy in their own right!

- A large continuation of the main story, with a bunch of branching options to explore. In the following scene guide I'll be detailing how to get the most out of these!

- A cute little scene with a certain slimy somebody in the monster camp, which will lead to some bigger things in the future.

Thanks again for being so patient--I've learned a lot about my limits here and what I can manage in a month. I'll be down-scaling my ambitions for each new alpha build from here on out to try and make the wait not as crazy long as last time. That was just unacceptable--and it's been haunting me every night, not to sound dramatic or anything. But with a new build out, the weight is off my shoulders and I hope to not fall into the same pitfalls as last time.

Let me know if you have any issues with the alpha and I'll be swift to put out new fixed versions of it, since while I've done my best to rigorously test things, there's a chance some things might have slipped by.

A scene guide will follow shortly, along with a more comprehensive dev log in the coming days.

Until next time~



I'm part of the $25 dollar tier but I haven't gotten the Alpha. Am I confused or do I get access?


Hiya, Did you change to the $25 tier this month? This means that you would have joined this tier after the initial processing period for the month, and won't be processed as an alpha tester until next month, if that makes sense! Meaning that the $25 hasn't been taken from you yet, and won't be charged until the next processing phase next month.


Oh gotcha. My bad.