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Hiya there, everyone!

As promised--and slightly late, as is the FrostWorks way--I just wanted to wish you all a very merry slightly belated Christmas with this special illustration our resident artist Aimless Art made this year, since it's become something of a tradition at this point! While time constraints prevented us from doing anything as ambitious as last year's piece, here we chose to focus on some of the characters who maybe haven't had as much time to shine in the spotlight yet. Characters you've seen in previews, but maybe haven't seen quite as much of in the full game, yet!

Claire has taken up the role of Santa Claus here as she hands out a bunch of presents to the good folk of Rhan--and even has the chance to hand a present to the Queen, personally. Gosh, you can see just how nervous that makes her! Beyond that, mostly everyone else is garbed in all sorts of festive/wintery attire. I personally like the nutcracker-esque getup that Cynthia has on. Which, by the way, you can see that since she's in the Queen's presence, she's in 'royal duty' mode, ready to protect her beloved Queen at a moment's notice. Though the festive spirit has even managed to get to her, judging by that adorable shade of red gracing her cheeks. Awwww~

The pigeon is in charge of the naughty and nice list for this year, apparently. A large responsibility, but they seem certain they can manage it!

And as a fun little bonus, we have the adorable woof Kassandra off to the side, who seems incredibly pleased with her present. (Whether or not she was a good enough girl to earn such a present is yet to be seen, though!)

I hope you enjoy this festive little bonus, even as delayed as it was (please forgive meeeeeee) and here's to an awesome 2020~ I truly can't thank you all enough for your continued love and support which has allowed Quest Failed to grow and thrive throughout the years--and am really excited for what the future might hold!

I'll see you in 2020! Until next time~



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