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Hiya there, guys! As promised, I'm back with a new dev log and aimed to have this one up a bit sooner than the previous one to try and get us back on track--and for a special bit of fun, I've decided to focus around another video preview, since those are always fun and help give a visual and audio based glimpse into how the project is shaping up!

This particular video gives a more practical look at how one of the part time jobs might work. Namely a very special one that seems to suit Matt's skillset particularly well, in that he offers his--ahem--'company' to a bunch of very lonely, wealthy ladies for the night. Like mother, like son, huh~?

This particular part time job came about because alongside the other, more traditional options you have to work with, I also wanted to offer something a little more steamy that plays into the erotic nature of the game, accompanied with some cute visuals and sensual audio!

Now, I want to stress that everything you see here is still very much a work-in-progress as I experiment with what might work best! Everything from the duration of each phase, to the mixing of the audio in each part, is all super rough and subject to change as I experiment a little more down the line! Probably will need some appropriate music, too. Since I felt the traditional h-scene music I have might not fit this sort of sillier, steamy scene. I'd need to track down something more lighthearted!

The scene essentially starts with the women first approaching him, letting out all manner of adoring noises as they close in on their prey and Matt is left to question his life choices.

And then, the general idea I had after this was to create a 'mob' like effect within the main part of the scene once they've pounced him, whereby you can visualise poor Matt getting smooched to death by countless older ladies as they get their money's worth. To avoid a big wall of sound of multiple people emoting at once, I tried in this mix to balance things between the left and right audio channels so each ear had a different woman on each side, along with another who was a bit more centered, and then messed around with the audio sliders to and avoid any one person dominating the scene too much. It took a lot of editing, and I'm still not completely sure I've got it where I want, but this is what I have as a draft attempt at any rate, and I hope it comes across that way!

I also had a little fun with the hearts background, like when Ren pounced Matt, complete with little hearts drifting up to really hammer in the mood.

I used multiple VAs for this scene in addition, too, who are new to the project and offered to lend their talents for this particular event--so this was a fun way for me to meet more people involved in the adult voice community and really get to see just how expansive it's become since the early days of 2016 where it was far more difficult to find people!

Throughout the loops you can hear:


Be sure to show them some love!

I give them two sets of general directions (when first approaching Matt with ahh'ing, aww'ing and coo'ing sweetly in anticipation of what was to come and then the kissing parts) which they primarily adlibbed each in their own way, and each gave their own unique style. It was a lot of fun to see their own takes on each and then try to compile together neatly with my limited mixing skills, haha.

In addition to the event stuff, I've also been continuing to forge ahead on all of the h-scene stuff. I don't want to spoil which characters have scenes lined up next tooooo much, but it's been a lot of fun to revisit some of them, who haven't had a scene for a while! (And one of them hasn't had a scene at all up until now! And is long overdue!)

The script continues to grow in size, and with my confidence that we've got something special here~

In addition, regarding the previous dev log, thank you all for your feedback on that matter. It's helped me come to the conclusion that a true 'early access' deal was a bad idea after all--and that I'm going to not move forward with that plan after all. Instead, I'll look to maybe doing some smaller scale testing with feedback forms and select groups of people who might be interested in such a roll, to ensure I really do get as much feedback as I can!

The alpha builds will still continue as always, so people won't have to worry about that if they're on that tier!

It's been a bit of a roller-coaster with all the ups and downs but I think this is the right way to move forward to give Chapter Two the time and dedication that it needs without souring its launch. Sorry again for being so indecisive on that matter before.

Now then, until the next time! Maybe we'll have some special Christmas art to be sharing real soon as is tradition? Who knows!


Quest Failed: Chapter Two - Escort Job Preview

This is unlisted. Shoo! Stop looking at me! Uwaaaaa!


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