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Hiya there, guys! How are we all doing?

Halloween is on the horizon now and things are getting spooky! I'm (still) hoping to have something cute to share closer to that accursed date--so keep on the lookout for that! If all goes well it'll be quite the treat~

Beyond that, I've been making sweeping progress with my writing and fleshing out a number of scenes, and midway through a new side quest that Matt can tackle after certain circumstances are met. This quest is a little special, since it has some setup required before he can proper start it, and I maybe had a bit too much fun with the silly dialogue around it leading up to it--but hey, it's nice to get some lighthearted moments now and again before all the doom and gloom leading up to the dramatic conflict against the hooded girl takes place!

Sometimes I worried I was making Matt TOO goofy in certain scenes--but remembered at the start of Chapter One he was the goofiest person ever before he got knocked down a peg or two by a certain slime gal. So in a sense, I think it shows he's steadily getting his confidence back, even in the face of so many defeats. Because we can't have him stammering and cowering ALLLL the time, can we? That'd just make for frustrating reading, I'm sure. Believe it or not, Matt does like to have fun himself, and can occasionally jab back at people with jokes if he's confident enough. This same confidence should also lead to him getting more accustomed with combat as he builds up his fighting experience--and with any luck, might even be able to hold his own against foes down the line! But don't worry, he'll never get too strong and actually overcome a monster gal--haha, no, that'd just be silly and contradict the title of the series! All in all, I'm finding it fun to plan out a balance of him steadily getting used to things, occasionally getting the upper-hand--and then ultimately getting the rug pulled from under his feet--or making a grave mistake as a result of overconfidence--leading straight back to the fun 'failure' times.

Alongside the h-scenes, misc CG events that'll happen, and other bits of dialogue, too--I've also been continuing to work with the chibi artist to bring to life more chibis of Matt to accommodate the number of jobs he can work for more money, as demonstrated by the image up above, showing the aftermath of one such job. Any guesses as to what it might have been? It was only natural he'd find himself down this path, given his family heritage and all! Poor guy. He does what he must to survive, okay--don't judge him! I do like how disheveled and sazed he looks here, though. If he had eyes, one could only imagine what they must look like right now!

Additionally, I've been continuing to work with a composer to bring several more tracks to life to fit a number of events in the game. One I can't share unfortunately because it's a little spoilery and used for a particularly intense moment--but I really like how it turned out, and it has a sound unlike anything else in the soundtrack to purposely stand out. I hope you'll all like the attention to detail with some of these tracks and the love that's being put into them to make them feel unique. Overall, Chapter 2 has a crazy amount of custom-made assets being put into it, and I'm really proud with how it's shaping up.

That about wraps it up for today's dev log--and I apologise for it being shorter than usual, since I've been completely swamped with getting a bunch of stuff done--but I hope to make up for it in a  future dev log, maybe even with a fun little video preview of a moment with everybody's favourite royal spy~

If you have any specific questions as to the current development, or things brought up in today's dev log, please don't hesitate to post, and I'll do my best to answer all of your questions~

Until next time!



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